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You drove to Jungkook's place with all the crying Jungwon was sleeping once you got there you wake him up and you two walk to ring the doorbell. Jungkook opens the door and sees you with Jungwon. "What happened?" You smile while he saw your teary eyes "Can I stay over?" He had never seen you on the verge of tears he nods "Yes of course come on in."

He guides Jungwon to his room and you tell him to go to sleep which he does you cover him with the blanket. "I'm sorry mom for making Jungwon cry." You come out the room and Jungkook quickly stood up from the couch with opened arms and hugs you. "What happened? Why are you crying?"

Back home your father locked himself in his room upset while in the living room it was Jae-ho, Yejin and her mother. Her mother tells him to stay there while she takes Yejin to her room. She slaps her making Yejin gasp. "What is wrong with you why would you create such a false narrative you know damn well Y/n would never do such a thing. Now because of your actions her dad might just kick you out do you know how hard it was to convince him for you to stay. That man is so generous that he took you in as his own and now you're breaking up the family."

"Mom I'm doing what you told me you said to take everything so I am!" She shakes her head "I told you that after Y/n came with Jungkook that you'd need to stop all this. You have Jae-ho now you're marrying him so you need to stop if things get too far I won't defend you. You're not a little girl I understand I let you get away with everything and guided you to the wrong path but please I'm telling you now to stop."

"I won't stop until Y/n suffers" she slaps her again and Yejin holds her cheek. "The one that will suffer will be you and me. I know she'll get you back good and you know what yes I do love her and regret ever treating her bad but I won't let you hurt her anymore." She walks out and Jae-ho comes in.

You explained everything to Jungkook and he was upset but was really hurt seeing you cry. It was such an unreal thing he never thought it'd be possible for you to cry. You wipe your tears "Oh Jungkook please don't look at me with those eyes." You whine "What eyes?" You scoff not believing what he just said when he had watery eyes that a tear slid down his cheek.

You wipe it "No Jungkook don't cry too" he hugs you after crying your hearts out you two finally talk and laugh. "My eyes are puffy aren't they?" He looks at you "Not really mines are though. So how are you and Namjoon?" You finally felt happy "We are good we might start dating soon!"

"You're telling me you two aren't dating yet? Last time you told me y'all made out!" You chuckle making him glad that he made you laugh. "We are taking things slow." He nods "Alright well it's late go to sleep I'll sleep in the guest room."

"Thank you Jungkook!" He smiles "You're welcome!" You walk in his room and lay beside Jungwon he immediately feels your presence and hugs you out of instinct. "I'm sorry Jungwon for making you cry." You text your father that you made it safely to Jungkook's place and fall asleep.

The next day you dropped Jungwon and told him you'd pick him up so he was glad and went to class all happy. You drive heading to work and greet everyone. It was pretty hectic that once it was break time you sit back in your chair closing your eyes. You hear a knock and say come in. "Hi is something wrong?" Jin asks while entering "Um no not really I'm just tired." You smile and he tilts his head feeling like something did happen specially since he was annoyed he couldn't get any sleep last night.

Namjoon was calling him saying that something had happened to you as if you two were connected. "Do you want the day off?" You shake your head "No it's okay it wouldn't be fair for the others." You didn't really like how Jin seemed to favor you to letting you do anything while everyone just stared but they didn't complain since they've seen you from the beginning how harsh it was for you and you made it to being his assistant and were respected because of your hard work. "Alright if you need anything let me know."

He leaves and you get back to work. You step out a bit and your coworkers approached you. "Y/n looking pretty as always." You couldn't help but smile "Thank you so much Hana. Oh my your necklace is so pretty where did you get it?" She touched it and smiled "My fiancé gave it to me as a present."

"You're getting married?" She nods and goes to her station bringing some envelopes. "Yes so before I forget here are my wedding invitations I hope to see you all there. I'll be back I'll give one to Mr. Kim." She excused herself and went to Jin's office.

"I didn't know she was getting married I'm so happy for her. Will you surprise us like that too Y/n? The guy who came he's your boyfriend isn't he?" Hari asks and you nod. "Yes he is well let's get back to work. Good job everyone we made it through the rush hour." You head back to your office before Jay can talk to you. Once you clock out you get in the elevator and you honestly forgot about yesterday. You exit the building and to your surprise you see him. Jin looks out his window smiling seeing you running to hug Namjoon.

His hug was so comforting and you two head out to eat but you immediately told him you'd see him another day so your date was cut short and you went to pick up Jungwon.

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