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The weekend came you went to Jin's famous pool party but neither Jungkook nor Yoongi were able to go it was just you. "Y/n you're here" you hug him "Hi and yes I am. Everything is so beautiful." Of course, it was a literal mansion and everything was decorated nicely and there was a lot of people. "Please don't tell me that's you're bathing suit?" Jin asks.

You look down at yourself "What's wrong with it?" You wore a dress and smile at him "Of course it's not! It's just a dress why? Don't tell me you bought me a bathing suit?" He wraps his arm around your shoulders "Of course I did you're my friend after all who's interested in my best friend right?"

"I mean I guess! Is he here?" You start looking around and he shakes his head saying no but found it funny how you immediately started looking for him despite saying you were unsure if you're interested in him. "He isn't here so you want to see your options?" You nod and he takes you in. You see many people inside dancing, playing games, having fun overall. You thought to yourself if you'd be like the couple making out until you shake your head to stop thinking about such things. "Y/n this is my cousin Ari she'll help you." You greet her and she greets you with a smile and drags you to the room.

"So Y/n here's everything which one do you like?" Honestly you liked all the bathing suits they were all pretty Ari looks at you being unsure which to choose. "You can try them all on they are yours after all!" Your eyes widened "Mine?" She nods "Yes your boyfriend bought them all for you."

You were about to ask what boyfriend but she talks first "You're Namjoon's girlfriend aren't you?" You froze unsure of what to say "Um yeah." She claps and guides you to change which you do in the bathroom then come out. "Oh my god that one looks good! Namjoon will love it!" You were a bit curious on how she knows he'll like it. You look at yourself in the mirror and you looked stunning so you call it a day. "How do you know Namjoon will like it?"

"He likes when one is confident and clearly you are. Don't worry I'm not an ex or anything he's my friend." You smile "I wasn't worried but thank you." You look away and she laughs "You're better then his ex" she covers her mouth "Oh I'm sorry" you smile. "No it's okay you're the 3rd person to say you don't like her. Did she hurt him?" She sits down and starts talking to you. Ari was very talkative and befriended anyone but when she met his ex for the first time she threatened her to stay away from Namjoon. So Ari slowly stopped talking to Namjoon which made him worried since Ari was like his best friend.

"She was really possessive and made everyone stay away from him to the point he couldn't do anything without her but he's changed. He's happy and started working out so despite not knowing you much I know you're a really good person. I'm talking too much come on let's go he's probably here by now."

Namjoon was with Jin sitting on the chairs Jin was trying his hardest to convince Namjoon to remove his shirt but he wouldn't budge. "Alright then I won't force you but look at you you're so buff." Namjoon glared at him making him clear his throat "Stop looking at me like that you're lucky Y/n came because of me! So will you ask her out?"

"I will just not now" Jin starts clapping and sees you coming "That's good then! Oh look it's Y/n and Ari." He sees you laughing with Ari and when you look at him you wave and he slowly waves back. "So he hasn't asked you out?" Ari asks and you nod. "Don't worry he'll do it soon if not me and Jin will teach him a lesson. Oh look he's smiling. I'm telling you, you have him wrapped around your finger Y/n."

Namjoon adjusts in his seat when you remove your robe and Jin's eyes widened. "Oh wow man if you don't ask her out someone will!" He whispers to Namjoon then screams your name "Oh my Y/n look at you! Let's go swim! Namjoon are you coming?" Jin smirks knowing why he won't stand up "I will go in a bit!" You look at yourself and wonder was he not attracted to you he wasn't complimenting you. Something you secretly loved was when you'd get compliments even though you're getting them you want Namjoon's compliments but nothing. Jin noticed you two were kind of the same he holds your hand "Don't worry you've just won. Come on!" He jumps in making you laugh and Ari jumps in but later holds onto this guy you hadn't met yet.

"Come on Y/n jump" Ari screams and you look back to finally see Namjoon coming. "Come on you two jump!" Jin screamed and Namjoon removes his shirt making you choke on your saliva as well Jin. He knew Namjoon worked out but man he looked majestic. He jumps in so it's just you now. "Come on Y/n!" Jin whines and Namjoon splashed him to shut him up making you laugh. Poor Jin practically drowned with the big splash Namjoon did.

"Come Y/n I'll catch you okay" Namjoon says making you jump in and you quickly come up to the surface and tightly hold onto him. "There you see you're safe okay." He grabs your legs and you wrap them around his waist despite wanting to move away you prefer to cling onto him. "Can we stay like this?" You ask because to be honest you don't know how to swim he nods and Jin starts smiling like crazy and lets you two swim.

Everyone was enjoying the party you were still in his arms like a koala. "So you don't know how to swim?" You look at him and move his hair back exposing his forehead "I know how to float so at least I won't drown but no not really. That's the only thing I'm not good at." He smiles "You could've told me so Jin wouldn't force you as much."

"But if I didn't I wouldn't be in your arms. I have to take my chances you know." You quickly kiss him surprising him and you hug him whispering in his ear. "You know I like you right?" You pull away and stare at him and he smiles that beautiful smile he has is so pretty. "You like me?" You thought to yourself who was that girl to make him doubt that anyone would like him. "Yes Namjoon I like you. Do you like me?"

"I do! Y/n how about we start dating? Will you be my girlfriend?"

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