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He woke up to see you peacefully sleeping he stood up to take a shower after he was done he cleaned the room as quietly as possible to not wake you up knowing you're tired. He went to his dog's room yeah his dog lived a good life. He opens it and sees him sleeping too. "Hey Max" he wakes up and starts barking running up to him. Max ran around him and Namjoon gave him his food and pet him while he ate. "Max I hope you don't hate me for bringing someone."

He went to the living room and slaps his cheek seeing the mess you two left after an eventful night. "We really did it everywhere" he himself was surprised and cleans the living room along the kitchen at least in the middle of it you got a house tour.

After he was done he quickly called Jin to ask him how to make breakfast. Jin told him how to make pancakes surprisingly it came out well that even Jin who was on FaceTime said it looked good but made Namjoon try it. "It tastes good thanks Jin" he hangs up and goes to see if you're awake. He sees you still asleep and walks over to your side to fix the duvet but you wake up.

You open your eyes and see him you grab him making him fall on the bed and hug him. "Good morning to you too." You smile and he kisses your hand while you look up at him. "Good morning! Let's stay like this for a little longer." He hugs you while you snuggle closer to him.

After showering you wore one of his shirts while your clothes were being washed. After eating breakfast he gives you a proper tour of his house. "Your house is really pretty!" He smiles "Thank you! You're welcomed here okay. Oh that's right I want you to meet someone." Your eyes widened was there someone here "Oh my...don't tell me was Jin here last night?"

"No he wasn't don't worry we're not roommates anymore." He opens the door and you see a white dog staring at you. The dog was quiet way to quiet that you got behind Namjoon ready to jump on him if the dog decides to attack you. "Max this is Y/n someone special to me. Y/n this is Max my best friend" you wave and the dog stands up and you hold onto Namjoon. "Please tell me he doesn't bite."

"He doesn't look come here" he pets him and you bend down to pet him he barks and you could tell by his tail that he was happy and you laugh when he licks your cheek. "Look at that he likes you." You stand up and see the dog is living a better life than you. "Is this his room?" Namjoon nods "Yeah he's spoiled. I'm glad you two get along."

"Does he usually not act like this?" Namjoon opens the curtains "If he doesn't like someone he barks at them and gets aggressive." You look at Max "Really but he looks so sweet" you pick him up and he lets you carry him like a baby making Namjoon fall for you even more than he already has. When he introduced his ex Max chased her out a few blocks down the street to the point she got on top of a car and Namjoon had to run after him.

You sat on his lap on the couch while Max played around you two. You two were talking not feeling the time pass by "Are you really okay with me being the jealous type?" You two have been together for about two months you haven't really shown your jealous side precisely and you're aware of how you are but you're just trying to let him know because your dad wants to meet him and with Yejin there she'll try to do something.

"Of course I don't mind. Look if you say I'm yours then I'm yours and that's the end of discussion." You felt butterflies in your stomach "You're so perfect" he shakes his head "The perfect one here is you. Also I'm sorry about last night I..." you shush him "It's okay I actually enjoyed it see I'm even glowing feeling happy. I needed to get laid."

You two laugh and watch a movie when you get a call from Jungwon making him lower the volume from the tv. "Y/n oh thank god you're safe I thought something happened to you that you didn't come home last night."

"Jungwon I'm fine I just went to have fun did dad not tell you?" He puts his hand on his waist "If dad told me do you think I would be calling you no. So no he didn't where are you?" His mood suddenly changed he was screaming and now he was being all sweet. "I'm at Namjoon's place" he says an oh but then scoffs "What if you're lying?"

You put the phone close to Namjoon and put on speaker and he just looks at you "Say hi to him." Namjoon does as you say and Jungwon covers his mouth the voice was clearly not Jungkook's "Okay then sorry to interrupt carry on." You say bye and hang up. "Your little brother is very overprotective of you."

"Yeah he's annoying but I love him. Do you have any siblings?" He sat there quietly before he smiles and continued talking. "I had an older sister but she passed away with my parents in a car accident." You hug him "I'm sorry" he holds you and sits you on top of him you look down at him. At this point Max left to his room not wanting to third wheel. "It's okay it's been a while." He holds your cheek and kisses you making you deepen the kiss both your tongues fought for dominance but he won. You break it to catch your breath this man always left you breathless he literally got worried when you almost passed out on him last night.

After catching your breath you wanted more making him surprised but he ended it there and let you rest. You got off him and sat beside him but he started man spreading and you look at him. He was initiating it "Are you trying to seduce me?" He laughs "No why?" You stood up blocking him from watching tv and he directs his attention to you. "It's working" he smiles and stands up towering you. "Can you handle it?" You finally met your half "Is that a challenge? My question to you is can you handle me?" He picks you up taking you to the room making you laugh.

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