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A few weeks passed you went to work and sat in your office making sure Jin's schedule is up to date and notify him about the meeting he has today. Once it was break time you walk to the break room making yourself coffee. Your coworkers see you and they gasp scaring you a bit. "Oh my Y/n you're more beautiful than usual." You were taken by surprise "Oh thank you Hana." They all gather around you "You've gotten more beautiful tell us your secret!" They all say yeah and you were really enjoying the attention.

Jin hears all the commotion and peeks out his office to see all the ladies gathered around you. "Are you seeing someone?" You hold back your smile "Maybe!" They start squealing and Jin scoffs and leans against the door frame "Ladies let's get back to work! Y/n come to my office!" You tell them to get back to work and they do while you go in and Jin goes after you.

Hana stared at her desk-mate "Oh my what if she's seeing Jin." "Our boss with her?" They started gossiping while you finally sip your coffee in peace sitting in front of Jin. "Y/n I see you're stealing the ladies hearts out there." You shake your head saying no "Oh no I swear I'm not." He hums while taking a good look at you "They're not wrong though you look really pretty..." You were taken aback and tell him to stop joking and he clears his throat. "So Y/n how are you and Namjoon?" He noticed your eyes getting bright and sees you smiling and he crossed his arms sitting back glad that you like Namjoon. "We're okay! We are still getting to know each other it's been fun!"

Hana gets interrupted and she stops to face the man who just got off the elevator with flowers making her jaw drop he was really handsome. "Hi how may I help you today?" She asks and he smiles making the ladies cover their mouths as his dimples showed. "Oh I'm Kim Namjoon I'm looking for Y/n. Yang Y/n" she nods but then gets worried if she'd interrupt you and Jin. "She isn't in her office she's talking to our boss I'll guide you come on" he thanks her and follows her. "What is Y/n to you?"

"She's someone I'm getting to know" she hums and knocks on the door "Mr. Kim there's a man looking for Y/n! Okay they'll be with you in a minute." You stood up confused since you weren't expecting anyone. Jin opens the door and Namjoon greets him. You couldn't believe it "Well he's here you two can stay here I'll head to the meeting now enjoy yourselves." Jin lastly says and walks out and you smirk realizing why he had said you'd be able to leave work early since he set this up for you two to take the next step.

"Hi these are for you!" You walk to him and hug him then take the flowers "Thank you how was your painting did you finish it." He takes a seat in Jin's chair "Yes I did it took a while but it'll go in the city's biggest museum soon." You congratulated him and you were about to sit on his lap when you hear Hana calling you. "I'll be back okay" you kiss his cheek then walk out. He hears dings coming from your phone that was on the table. He didn't want to be nosey but he sees Jin's name and his curiosity got the best of him and he grabs it.

He reads the new messages specially since it had his name he couldn't stop himself. "Y/n I can assure you Namjoon likes you! Please don't tell him I told you if not he'll kill me! So you two shall go out already I'm rooting for you two" Namjoon chuckles then hears you coming and sets your phone down. "I'm back they needed help with the copy machine."

"You don't need to explain how about we go on a date?" You nod "Yes let's go" he then remembers you're working "Wait are you still on the clock?" You walk to him and grab your phone "No Jin said I'm done for the day let me just get my bag from my office. Wait for me by the elevator" he nods but before you two walk out you grab him kissing him. He pressed you against the wall deepening the kiss.

You finally come out and everyone's eyes were on you as you carried the flowers and you looked fine so they scratched that nonsense they were talking about you and Jin. You speed walk your way to your office. Namjoon comes out Jin's office and walks to the elevator but on his way he thanks Hana. He waits by the elevator when a man comes up to him "Hi I'm Jay" Namjoon shakes his hand "Hi I'm Namjoon" Jay stared at him for a good minute "Are you and Y/n something?"

"Why is that a problem?" Hana then takes Jay "Don't mind him he just has a little crush on Y/n" Namjoon just raised an eyebrow "Really well good luck." She just smiles when she notices the lipstick he had on his neck and she looks back to see you closing your office door. Her eyes widened as it matched with you and she covers her mouth pushing Jay aside saying omg in her head.

"Work hard you guys" you say and everyone said bye to you. "Y/n?" You look at Jay not wanting to do this in front of everyone "I'm sorry but I don't like you please leave me alone or I'll file a complaint against you to Jin." You whisper then walk holding Namjoon's arm. Namjoon glared at Jay until the elevator doors closed. "Does that Jay guy bother you?" You look up at him "Um no it's just that he thinks I like him only cause I helped him out once trying to be nice that's why I tend to not help around sometimes."

"Let Jin know immediately if he tries to do something you shouldn't be having to be dealing with such things in a professional environment. Um I'm sorry I got carried away." You smile "Not at all" you say and hold his hand "Where do you want yo go I'll take you anywhere?" You were happy and you two went to an arcade and had fun.

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