Chapter 18: Unbelievable

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"Say that again?" Officer Ploom asked.

"Nothing... happened..." I said tearing up.

"See? I would never do such a thing... right Officer Riggen?" Mr. Jeon said and everyone turned to him.

I wiped my eyes when no one was looking.

"Well... that sets it?" Officer Riggen says while getting up. We all exit out of the room. Mr. Jeon subtly pulls Officer Riggen, my principal and I to the side and gives them a handful of money while smirking right at me. He looks me up and down and bends closer to my ear. He whispers, "don't try to mess with me again, things always go my way" and then he walks away whistling with his hands in his pocket. The officers and my principal leaves too and I'm left shocked. Yoongi, Hobi and Jimin come up to me.

"Y/N! WHAT WAS THAT ABO-" Yoongi shouts and Hobi covers his mouth.

"I-I don't know..." I lie while tearing up.

"I know it's hard, but you should've told the truth honey..." Hobi says while pulling me into a hug. Jimin joins the hug and then Yoongi joins after a minute while I sob into Hobi's shoulder. We all stand there for a few more minutes and then we pull apart.

"It's okay. I got this, don't worry. Let's get to class" I said while wiping my tears and then we all walked back to our classes. Jimin and I both went to our art class and we had some fun painting our favourite fruits.

"Wow Jimin! You're so good at painting! I can't believe this...!" I say while admiring his work. Jimin smiles and looks down. Was he blushing? I try to take a look at his face but he just shrugs and walks away to grab some more paint for his palette. I continue my painting, wondering if he felt the same warm feeling that I feel whenever he smiles at me with those crescent eyes of his.

Jimin pokes me and I realized that I've just daydreamed while staring right at him. Shit.

"Ahaha sorry Jimin I just- um- sorry" I say while rubbing my neck. Jimin smiles and looks away. Again, that warm feeling. Wait... am I seriously falling for him? I steal another glance at Jimin and he's sitting there so beautifully painting a picture that's almost as beautiful as him. I realize that my cheeks start to feel hot and I look away and continue to paint as this project is due today.

At the end of the day, Yoongi, Hobi, Jimin and I all meet up at our usual end of the day hangout spot and Taehyung joins us. I freeze in my spot and then I start to shiver. Jimin notices and he holds my hand. Usually this wouldn't have helped, even when Yoongi, Hobi or even Lisa did it but there was something about Jimin's touch that made me feel at ease. I close my eyes and drop my head down.

"Yo, get away from her you creep" Yoongi says while pushing Taehyung's chest.

"Okay wait sorry I just wanna apologize about what happened- " Taehyung said until I interrupted him. "P-Please Taehyung, I-I'm done with you. W-Whatever happened scarred me and your dumb apology won't change the way I look at you. Please get away from me".

Taehyung nods and walks away slowly. He turns back and then starts to walk away again. I sigh and they all hug me again. We pull apart and I look at my phone only to realize that the time has almost come. Fuck.

"Okay guys, I have to go home fast because... uh... err.. my parents aren't here right so I have to take care of Lisa. She's home alone. Bye!" I say and I run but I stop right in front of Ms. Park (sorry I meant to say "Ms. Park" not "Mrs. Park" this whole time lmao 💀).

"My explanation please?" Ms. Park says while crossing her arms in front of me.

"H-Hi! Ms. Park of course- yes- I- I'm sorry I'm really busy right now my sister's home alone. Can my friends explain it to you please? They know everything. Please it's important" I say while slowly trying to walk away. Ms. Park doesn't look pleased, but she agrees and walks to Hobi, Yoongi and Jimin. I run away to my car.

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