Chapter 21: Hot Mess

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Once we make it, I get out of the car and ring the doorbell. He opens the door and glares at me.

"Can I... come in? Please?" I plead.

"Why did you do that Y/N?" he asks while leaning on the side of the doorframe with his arms crossed. "I thought we made a deal with Dan".

"I'm sorry... I didn't want to do that to my friends. I tried to tell Yoongi but he was really stubborn. It's understandable..." I explained.

"You're lucky the principal won't fire me because I have so much influence on this school. They can't get rid of their biggest donor" he smirks. Corrupted. We stand there and I feel rushes of cold air getting to me. I shiver and he watches me. "Come in" he says. I enter and he closes the door behind me.

"It's been a while since I've been here" I say while standing at the door.

"You can sit down you know" he says as he goes to a different room. After a few minutes, he brings out two cups. Familiar...

"Orange juice. Freshly squeezed" he says while giving it to me. His cup has steam coming from it so I'm guessing it has tea, coffee or hot chocolate. He remembered that I was lactose intolerant. Well of course, after that incident anyone who witnessed would never forget. I won't think too much about it. He sits down and crosses one leg over the other and then he looks at me.

"Why are you here, Y/N?" he asks while blowing on his drink.

"I just want to apologize for everything. I'm sorry I can't be your girlfriend anymore. The deal is over" I say and Mr. Jeon nods in silence. I look down to my drink and I realized that my makeup is messed up from the reflection of the drink. "Shit" I groan to myself.

"What happened?" Mr. Jeon asks.

"I-It's nothing... my makeup's just ruined" I say while pulling out my compact mirror.

"I'm sure you look beautiful with or without it" he says while taking a sip of his drink.

"No... I don't feel good without it" I say while wiping the mascara under my eyes away.

"Wipe your whole face, I want to see. Please?" Mr. Jeon asks.

I sigh and think about it for a bit. I nod and wipe my whole face. I look at myself in my compact mirror and gag at the sight of my plain face in front of someone other than Lisa. I slowly look up at Mr. Jeon and he's just staring blankly at me.

"Mr. Jeon??" I say quietly. "Are you oka-"

"You're gorgeous" he says.

I'm a bit shocked. "Th-Thanks..." I say. My cheeks start to heat up a bit.

Mr. Jeon puts his drink down and gets up to sit beside me. I shift a bit away from him. "Y/N I'm not gonna hurt you, chill" he says. He takes my hands and looks me straight in the eyes. "Y/N... you're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen in my life. Even more prettier than the girl I fell in love with in university. I wish you could be mine but you clearly don't want to associate yourself with me anymore so I'm going to finally respect your decisions and l-" he explains until cut him off by hugging him.

He sits there for a bit but then he hugs me back tightly. I feel so safe in his arms right now.

"You're the only person in the world that knows about my situation at school and you didn't treat me like I'm worthless. Thank you" I sob into his chest and he rubs my back.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01 ⏰

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