Chapter 2: You're Too Close

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Anyway I hope you guys enjoy this chapter :DDD

"WATCH OUT!!" was the last thing I heard before the car came. But someone pulled me by my arm in the speed of light. I fell on the dirty, muddy grass, face first. I quickly got up and started yelling at the idiots in the car who almost killed me.

"HEY WATCH WHERE YOU'RE GOING YOU DUMB ASS BITCHES! WHEN I FIND OUT WHO YOU ALL ARE, YOU'RE GOING TO BE DEAD MEAT!" I screamed while waving my finger at them. The car stopped with a loud screech. They all turned to look at me. Then they all just laughed and drove away.

As I turned around, I started to hear legit the whole school laughing at me. I guess the word spread really quickly, because five minutes later, my two best friends, Yoongi and Hoseok, came running up to me as fast as they could.

"OMG Y/N ARE YOU OK???" Hoseok asked worriedly.

"Y/N! We heard what happened and came here as fast as we could! Are you alright?" Yoongi asked.

"I-I think I'm ok... W-Who saved me?" I asked out of breath because of all the yelling.

"I did." said a tall man with a deep-ish voice. It didn't take me long to figure out who it was.

"Of course! My favourite teacher, Mr. Jeon. Thank you so much, I could have died!" I said thankfully.

"No problem Y/N, anything for you." Mr. Jeon said with a smile. "Well, it's getting late for class, you better wash up first Y/N. Do you need help?" He asked.

"Uhh, no thank you...Thanks for the offer though. See you around!" I said.

"Let's go fast Y/N, come on." Yoongi said quietly while pulling my arm. "Come on Hoseok-ah, we're going to get late".

"Ok let's go." Hoseok said while eyeballing Mr. Jeon like he did something wrong.

We walked inside the school. People stopped and stared at me in the hallways because I still had mud all over my face and my clothes. "Shit." I groaned under my breath.

"Okay, I'm gonna run to the washroom. You two get to class fast." I said quickly while shuffling away.

"Okay Y/N, see ya around! Let's go Yoongi-ah~" Hoseok said while holding Yoongi's hand.

"Bye Y/N!" Yoongi yelled from across the hall with a slightly worried smile.

"Bye!" I yelled back. Then I quickly ran to the washroom. I'm so lucky that no one was here because I was literally about to cry. I decided not to. I just washed my face so I can get to class faster.

But then I looked down and saw that my whole outfit is ruined with mud and grass stains. "UGH!" I yelled in disgust. "There is never one day that goes by well!" I fussed under my breath. I texted my private dresser as fast as I could so I can get to class without missing too much of the lesson.


                                                                   Me: EMERGENCY!!!

Rosé: Yes ma'am?! How can I help you?

Me: I need a new outfit right now! ASAP!!!

Rosé: Yes ma'am. I'll be right there.

                                                                       Me: Ok please hurry!

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