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angst. heres food. (BONUS STORY AT THE END!)

Bruce Yamada and Vance Hopper have been friends since elementary school, ever since Bruce befriended the school's meanest kid.

Now here they were, best friends and in high school.

Bruce lately has been pinning over Vance, the way his hair moved in the wind, his ocean blue eyes glaring at someone, his muscles, his facial features, his chapped and small lips..

Bruce planned to confess to Vance, walking over to him with a smile on his face as he tapped his shoulder, taking a deep breath and didn't pay mind to Vances' friends behind him.

"Vee! Hi!"

He exclaimed cheerfully, looking at Vance with love-filled eyes.

"Oh, hey pretty-boy. You need somethin'?"

"Yeah, actually.."

He mumbled, smiling wide like an idiot as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"Alright, spit it out. I 'ont have all goddamn day."

"Yeah, okay, lemme cut to the chase.."

He sighed, blushing lightly and looked Vance in the eyes, his dark-browns meeting Vances' ocean blues.

"I like you. Romantically.. I.. I wanna be your boyfriend.."

He watched as Vance's expression grew in shock, then in disgust..

"..Ew. Bruce, you're one of those.. faggots..?"



"Bruce, I can't like you. That's disgusting, you're disgusting.."

He felt his eyes widen, his heart aching and breaking into millions and millions of pieces as tears formed into his eyes.


He stayed silent for a few more moments, then rubbed his lips together and just ran off, taking the path to the high-way.


Bruce stood at the very edge, tears running down his flushed cheeks that were once kissed as the wind made his hair and clothes sway and dance along.

He couldn't handle this rejection, he couldn't handle the way Vance looked at him, he was so broken.

Then, he just took a step forward and fell, completely ignoring the familiar voice calling out his name as he thudded to the ground, blood surrounding his body.



" robin ! "

my finn called from behind me , to which i'd turned around . i admired his face and all the features like a painting . the painting of my forbidden love .

"hey, finn."

i turned , facing my body towards his and immediately being met with a warm hug . i wrapped my arms around him in return , mourning the touch as he pulled away to look me in the eye .

" can you meet me behind the grab n go after school ? "

he asked with the voice i cherished , tilting his head . i watched his beautiful brown hair softly recoil as he moved it . i wanted nothing more than to run my fingers through it .

" yeah , im free , why ? "

i asked . he always asked me this , and it always happened , so i dont know why i asked . but i also didnt know why the answer had changed this time .

" i .. have something to tell you . just meet me there . "

he said , confidence embracing the anxiety in his tone . it seemed like something important . and i hoped it wasnt what i thought it was , what they had told me about .

" okay , okay . cya there , finn . "

i said , smirking softly . i wished i wasnt seeing him there , actually . i wished he would just set me up , not show up . but that wasnt the case .

there he was , my finn . his hands behind his back , and the twenty dollar bill that poked from his pocket this morning no longer there . he looked at me with a soft smile , more genuine than he'd ever gave me .

" robin ! "

he exclaimed excitedly ,

" you're here ! .. "

he said . i could hear the eagerness and anxiety in his voice . i could also hear the shame he carried for being himself .

" hey , finn . what'd you have to tell me ? "

i asked , knowing , but dreading the answer . knowing what i had to say , knowing i'd get killed if i didnt say such . with an anxious tone and excited voice he replied .

" robin .. ? " he looked down , revealing the flowers and snack he ' d bought with his twenty , for me . my favorite . he continued talking ,

" w .. will you be my boyfriend ? "

he eventually asked . god , how i loved to hear that . and god , did i hate to hear that ...

" no . "

i replied in a cold , pained voice . why .. ? why did i have to be forced into this ? to give up my dream ?

he didnt respond . he ran off , the sound of his soft sobbing slowly fading as he got farther . i wanted to chase him and tell him the truth . but i was at a dead end .


unfortunately , so was he . i looked down at my beautiful boy , so pale in the casket . i wondered why , even though i knew the answer . it was my fault . mine entirely .

my finn , my buddy , my love , now laid in a casket .

Amor Tumbado — Natanael Cano


HAI! quick post. the brance was mine, and the rinney was my friends. ty!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06 ⏰

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