Chapter 12: Save Me.

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*Vivians POV*

I was feeling drowsy, it had been a while since I had taken vervain, to make me immune to it. No wonder I feel completely dazed. Before I knew it I was in the back of a car with yet another vervain dart piercing my chest. I groaned in pain, everything inside me was burning up. The engine started and the car chugged. I strained my neck, trying to sit up, it was useless. I was completely and utterly drained of any strength I had going for me. Guess I had to sit back and wait for the show. With me as the star.

Every so often, Chris the crazy ass hunter would peer into the back seat to check if I was still down. Of course he had to make sure by dozing me with more vervain. Which made me churn in pain. Sure I was 2000 years old, you would think I could take it, but this is ridiculous. I was always so careful to never have a close encounter with any hunters. Guess tonight just wasn't my day.

*Chris' POV*

I knew exactly who this girl was. She was Vivian. The sister of Silas. I want to know why she's here in Mystic Falls. What is her business. Is she looking for her brother? Because If she knows anything about where he is, I'm going to be the first one to know. After all I am a hunter and killing Silas is my life's mission. I peered my head round to look at her. Shes out for it right now. Good, won't be long till I get to the house.

*Vivian's POV*

I could hear the car stop. The vervain was still in my system and it was unquestionably painful. The car door opened and I was dragged into an obsenely large house and thrown into a chair. Looks like he had this planned out. *Coughing* clever boy. In no time at all, ropes were bound round my arms at the back of the chair, on my ankles at the legs of the chair and around my waist. The worst part was that they were drenched in more vervain. Wow, was this hunter a fan of vervain or what. Need to commend him on that one.

Clattering of metal was coming from the other room. Oh god what was he planning. He walked out of the room opposite my with a mat and an evil grin fixed to his smug little face. I would love to punch him right now.

"A mat? Oh how much damage that will do." I rolled my eyes, groaning a bit as the vervain burned my wrists. Suddenly he rolled out the mat and revealed the many contraptions he could choose to use against me. "Oh". was my reaction. His smirk grew bigger knowing he had full control of this situation.

"Hmm which one will it be today..." He walked around the weapons tapping his chin. "I think I'll go old school...knife and....a sharp stake". He looked over to me menacingly as he picked his weapons of choice.

"Try not to make a mess, I have my best shirt on today". I smirked and with that comment he used the knife and cut a line under my collar bones, ripping my shirt. I groaned at the pain. "Obviously you don't listen". He then shoved the stake into my side and left it there. I winced and gasped in the process.

"Any more of your lip and I'll put some more pressure on that". He threatened. I stayed silent. What on earth did he want? Hunters don't take their victims to torture them, they kill them instantly. Why was I special? "Tell me about your brother....Silas".

What the hell did he want to know about Silas for? "Sorry but my brother doesn't swing that way.." I chuckled with pain as my stomach burned with the vervain. He placed more pressure on the stake and pushed it further into my side. His knife was firmly placed against my neck piercing the skin ever so slightly. "Ow.." I moaned under my breath.

"Tell me about Silas" He spoke in a more demanding tone before pushing the knife in more which made me yepl in pain. "Silas is dead! And has been for over 2000 years! Get over it!" I shouted in agony. "Liar!" He yanked the stake out of my side and shoved it into my stomach. I shrieked and threw my head back. Why did everything have to be so painful. "Why me..." I breathed out. I was getting weaker the more he damaged me.

"Well I know you're his sister and that he isn't dead, he's buried somewhere. But the problem is...I don't know where". This caught my attention. My brother isn't dead? My eyes gaped as I stared at the floor in realization.

"Nothing to say?" He mocked, lifting my head up by my hair looking me in the eyes. "Very well". He lifted up a bucket of vervain and poured it over my legs. I started screaming, my legs were burning, it felt like al my bones were breaking. My hands were clenched to the arms of the chair and I tried to contain how much pain I was in. It was no use. I was broken. I needed someone to save me.

*Half an hour later*

All this torture was driving me to insanity. Along with the continous questions of my brother Silas. I could barely move, covered in my own blood, head to toe. My skin burning under the ropes of vervain. I'd had enough. Just as he was about to stake me again. I used as much power as I had to shout:


He lowered his stance and looked at me. "What?" He asked. "Finally going to tell me about your dearest brother?". "No" I stated. "Just stop, I cant take anymore..." It was useless trying to plead with him, but it was worth a shot.

"Fine, phone a friend." What did he mean by that? Was he giving up? "Phone a friend, if they come to save you, I will kill them, if you are lucky, they will save you, we know thats not happening though don't we? Whats their number?" He fished his phone from his pocket. Crap the only numbers I had were Marcos and Damons. Not any competition there. Damon it was. I gave him his number and the phone was soon on speaker. Silently begging he would pick up.

*Damon's POV at this Grill*

Damn Elena. Why does she have to make me feel human. I am not Stefan and I will never be Stefan. About time she understands that. I was about to take a swallow of my scotch when my phone buzzed on my pocket. Vivian? Wonder what she wants.

"Hello." I smirked down the phone

"Damon..." Her voice was raspy. It sounded like she was hurt. I stood up instantly alarmed by her tone.

"Whats happened Viv? Where are you?" I narrowed my brows waiting for an answer.

"A hunter damon...abandoned house a couple...of..of blocks down from Elenas..." She was definetaly hurt, I knew where she was and there was no way my only female friend was dying tonight.

"Alright I'm coming". I headed to the door. Before hearing her whisper "Be safe".

I knew I couldn't go alone. Guess my annoying little brother was going to have to help me. I rolled my eyes and sped home to fetch him. Time to save my drinking buddy.

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