Chapter 9: Fury and Fire.

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*Vivians POV*

Shortly after Kol's departure and me thinking about his little remark, I got dressed. Nothing fancy or excessive. Comfiness was the key to success, couldn't drink someone dry and rip their heart out with a skin tight dress on or millions of jewels could I? I was overly enthusiastic about the fact that Esther would be dead pretty soon. And I would look like a regular vampire, not a blanched and ghastly creature.

I could be ruthless. Only when I wanted to be though. But I mean cold blooded cutthroat ruthless. I grabbed my journal of the bookcase. There was a period in my life when I became something that I dreaded. Something that couldn't be helped. A ripper. A pure evil and emotionless abomination of the night.

*Flashback From Vivians Journal*

1864. England.

I was wondering the forest at night, taking in the fresh air and scenery. I was about to head back home when loud male shouting came from somewhere in the trees. It sounded like a drunken man. Why do drunken men always take the forest home? Sighing, I lifted my dress a little and headed back to my house. That was until I smelled blood. Human blood. My head shot up and turned around. Something changed in me that moment, something dangerous and formidable. I was consumed by pure evil. It was so pernicious that I couln't stop the urge to feed.

Using my vampire speed I hid behind a tree, close to the intoxicated man. His head was bleeding, so much blood, it took everything in me not to kill him there and then. My eyes were glued to his neck, but I stayed my ground, deciding to follow him home first. Knowing that there was surely some more delicious snacks back at his household. 

Judging by the size of his house, he was clearly a wealthy man. And a wealthy man always has a wife. And when a wealthy man is out drinking, a wife always has friends over. I grinned viciously. knowing that soon the people vacant in this house would be my dinner and I was going to enjoy taking their lifes. I walked up to the porch, opening the locked door, easy as pie. My face vamped out as i headed fro my first victim.

That's all I remember of last night, except from the muffled screams and pleads of women and men. When I had awoken in the morning, the house was a monstrosity. Blood and guts everywhere. I had become a full on ripper. No idea how it happened, I could usually control my blood lust...but something just switched inside me. I was covered in gore. Blood smeared across my atrociously pale face. I was a savage, what I had done was barbaric. The guilt was overwhelming. I fled the country as soon as I could. Never looking back.

*End of Journal Entry*

I bit my lip and closed the journal. I would never forget that memory. Although tides have turned. Killing longer affected me. The  guilt of taking innocent lives eventually washed away. I would gadly kill a human with no remorse or anguish. Some would say it is inhumane and diabolical, but after all, I am a vampire aren't I? That is what we do best.

I slammed the front door and headed for the woods. I knew exactly where the witches were burned. I was there years ago. Watchin from the trees. I had never been a fan of magic and sorcery. Witches in my eyes are as bad as vampires. Not all of them used their powers in good ways. Some were brutal. Believe me. 

I was here. Esther and her son Finn were standing in the middle of a pentagon that was up in flames. Shit. Now im going to have to wait till the spell either goes wrong or her children are dead. I couldn't let that happen. I couldn't be the only vampire on earth, that was too big a responsibility. I grinned to my stupidity. That grin quickly faded as it struck in my mind that Kol would die. I will not lie...I have feelings for him. He is somewhat...charming and cocky at the same time. I had only spoken to him once, he made me feel sensitive and weak. He gave me butterflies. Something that I hadn't felt since I was human. I sighed. I couldn't let any of them die.

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