Chapter 11: Originals.

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Just before you read, I am not writing this fan-fiction in the order that it went in the TV series, I'm mixing it up and adding my own stuff in. But it will still make sense. From now own, I think im gonna wait till I get at least 5 votes to upload the next chapter!:) I will also be mentioning those who vote for my chapters alot. It means so much to me and inspires me to keep writing:) Thanks!:D


*Vivians POV* 

My morning had consisted of waking up, getting ready, having a drink of blood and sitting on the couch. There was nothing to do, especially when your drinking buddy Damon is on a downer about something you said. I rolled my eyes and sighed to myself, I guess I could brush up on my Original Vampire facts, seeing as I live in the same town as them. One of them wants into my pants and the others are probably busy planning mass murder right now. Speeding up to my room, I grabbed my journal and flicked through it. Surely I had written something about Originals in here...."BINGO!".

*Vivians Journal Entry*

March 1802 Denmark.

It had never occurred to me until a couple of weeks ago that the Witch Esther who turned me into this monstrosity wanted to turn her children into Vampires. But how? I was the only vampire. At least that I knew of. I had never come across any others before then. Now there were so many, they must have turned a lot of people. So I done some digging through books and got into contact with some witches.They were certainly shocked when they seen me, certainly by my outrageous looks.

Turns out that there is a spell, that needs a lot  of witch power to cast. They call themselves 'The Original Vampires'. I can't help but laugh. I am much older than those fools. To keep safe I'll make a list of what I need to know, in case I unfortunately bump into them on my travels around the globe.

- Originals were created by witches. 

-They can compel other vampires.

- They are faster and stronger than normal vampires.

- They can only be killed by a stake made from the White Oak Tree. Or incapacitated by a dagger dipped in white oak ash.

Those were the necessary details for me to know. I am pretty sure there is more facts about them but I will leave it at that.

*End of Vivians Journal Entry*

Closing the book and placing it back. I slowly walked down the stairs with a shocked expression plastered to my face. Something that I had never crossed my mind. Was my brother an original? Which explains a lot, if he turned me then... I am of his bloodline, which means I am an average vampire. This means I can be compeled.

I was genuinely quite surprised the other day with Klaus' strength. He is an original and has been for 1000 years. Which means his strength is doubled. As if he has been immortal for 2000 years. He is equally as powerful as me. Guess I needed to watch my back around here from now on.

I headed on outside. The sun was out, it was a spectacular day. I was making my over to the Salvatores. Just to check up on Damon the loner. Then something caught my eye and I came to a stand still on the pavement. Finn, the betraying big brother and a red head girl walking through the middle of town. Who was that?

"Sage" A voice came from beside me. It was Stefan. The ex blood junkie, currently in rehab bunny muncher.

"What?" I asked, completely dumbfounded by what he had said.

"Her name is Sage, the red head". I see now. "Oh.." was my intelligent reply. "I seen you brooding over here, thought I would tell you". He looked down at me slightly grinning.

"Brooding!? I was not brooding, just confused. Not good with faces me". I laughed. "By the way is Damon home?" He squinted his eyes at me.

"Yes, but he has people over just now, apparently he is planning on killing a certain someone tonight". he said. Obviously wanting me to question who. But I was smart enough not to. I didn't need other peoples problems holding me down. "See ya bitch" I smirked and walked to the Grill.

*9pm at the Mystic Grill*

"Sure!" I smiled. I had been talking to a guy names Chris for ages, I was sitting at a booth alone and he just came over to chat. Weird yeah. He had offered to get me a drink. Not like I was turning that down. Apparently he was a jock that attended the school around here. The thought of school made my skin crawl, I hated it.

My nails tapped against the hard wooden table, leaning back against against the booths chair. I looked over to the pool table and my eyes were instantly glued to Kol. He was flirting with Meredith. The local doctor. I felt something strange at that moment. Was I jealous? Surely I wasn't jealous...I couldn't have been. Shaking my head I focused my eyes to the table. Listening in, with my excellent vampire senses.

"I like pretty little things with sharp tongues!" he exclaimed. Even though I wasn't looking at him I could see his massive smirk taking over his face. I sighed.

Chris came back with the drinks and smiled. Being polite I smiled back "Thanks". I took a sip but choked. Vervain? Vervain was a plant that burned vampires. I looked up at him. And immediately he shot three vervain darts close to my heart, so quick that no one would see. Now I was weak, I was 2000 years old, I could handle it, if it were any regular vampire they would be down. I winced as he plucked me up from the table, grabbing my arm and pulling me out the Grill. What the hell? No one was alarmed. I probably looked like i was drunk as hell. What was Kol doing during all this? Oh yeah, flirting. Now I'm in a mess with a vampire hunter. Fab.

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