Chapter 5: Party Crasher.

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*General POV*

The lleaves of trees rustled on the branches. The wind was whisting and the street lights reflected onto the road. Vivian chose a backstreet path to get to the Mikaelsons house. Her heels clicked off the ground, each step echoing throughout the pathway. Lights started to flicker as she advanced on the household.

*Vivians POV*

Lights were flickering in the street. It was a windy night tonight. I folded my arms and continued walking. I was currently going through an adrenaline rush. Finally being able to shove my existance into Esthers face then proceeding to shove my hand through her chest was getting me all giddy. I had my phone in my clutch bag. I may be 2000 years old but I can never go anywhere without my phone. I stopped in my tracks when the family home was finally in my sight, I could see all the people leaving and getting into their cars. Standing still, I waited till they were gone then made my way up to the front door with a menacing look on my face. I listened at the door. I could hear her. Klaus, Rebekah, Kol, Elijah and Finn too. Great, she will be killed infront of her family.

I slammed the doors open. A gust of wind flying into the building. I stood at the door, all eyes turned to me. I slowly stepped my foot into the house. Esther was standing on the 1st floor, where the left and right staircases bent up to meet. "Hello Esther" I tilted my head to the side. "Remember me?" She looked shocked. Stunned should I say. "Whats wrong? Seen a ghost?" I mocked. I turned around seeing Damon and Stefan Salvatore with their arms gripping Elena Gilbert. The almighty Trio. They were looking at me with judgy eyes. Twisting my head back around to face the original witch I began. "Lets skip the chit chat Esther. You know what you did. What you took from me. I want it back and the funny thing is...I know exactly how to go about doing that!" I chuckled. Taking a few steps forward. "How about you come on down here...give your old pal a hug?" I opened my arms, smiling cockily. "You will never undo what has been done" she spoke. "I think you'll find I can".

"Mother who is this?" I looked over to none other than Niklaus, the second oldest original sibling. He was a hybrid. A mix between vampire and werewolf. He vampire sped over to me. Looking down on me like he was superior. Silly hybrid imbasil. "Love, whatever deal you have with my mother, you have with my family, so I strongly suggest that you high tail it out of here before things get messy." He was threatning me. I smirked

"I applaud your courage Klaus, but if you dont get out of my face soon, I will rip your intestines out from your throat". His eyes narrowed as if he was warning me. "Do as she says Niklaus" his mother shouted.

"Why should I do what thi-" He was cut off as I pushed him far back, sending him crashing into a wall. His brothers were about to intervene but halted when their mother stopped them.

"Do what you must Vivian." Esther calmly adressed. I expected her to put up a fight. "Oh dont you worry, I intend to." I sped up to her and grabbed her by the neck. My face vamping out. "Do you have any idea the pain and lonelieness you have caused me you bitch!" I growled and sunk my teeth into her neck, draining the blood from her body, almost finishing her off when my phone rang. Holding Esther by the hair, my face and hands all bloody, I answered the call:

"Vivian! Vivian!".

"Ah...Marco, bad timing mate." I rolled my eyes. 

"You must kill Esther on a full moon, do it now and you will be stuck with the curse forever!" 


"Tomorrow." This was lighter news. 

"Okay. Thanks. Bye." I put my phone away and held Esther to my face. "I'll be back" I warned. Dropping her to the floor.

Adressing everyone I told them: "If any of you try to stop me. I will kill you." I smiled politely and walked by the remaning originals Kol...who i must admit was hot, Elijah and Finn on the staircase. Rebekah attened to her mothers wounds. It seemed that the Salvators and Gilbert lady had left. Shame. I was about to leave when Klaus called out. "What are you?" I grinned.

"Your worst nightmare."

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