Chapter 14: Memory.

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*Vivians POV*

'Damn my head...' was all that ran through my mind as I sat up from my horizontal position on a comfy warm unknown bed. Looking around my surroundings I realized I was at the Salvatores house. Damon must have brought me here. That reminds me...I need to thank him again. Tucking a piece of stray hair behind my ear, I listened to the on going conversation in the lounge downstairs. Something about hunters and a curse. Wait...Elena wasn't human? She was a vampire? I've missed a lot.

Inattentive to my blood covered attire. I trotted down the stair case to see what the conversation was actually about. When everyone present were in my sight, all eyes were soon on me. "What?" I said a little dumbfounded. Damon made a deep coughing noise at the back of his throat, indicating his head towards me. I looked down, I was a mess. Holy crap on a cracker. That hunter really did a number on me. "Oh..I see, by the way I heard...what's happened?" I asked full of pure curiosity.

"Elena sired to Damon. She killed a hunter yadda yadda yadda, she is cursed" Klaus said in an agitated tone. He obviously knew a lot about this curse or else he wouldn't have cared. I simply nodded, not wanting to get on his bad side at this moment in time. Although...Damon sure needed to spill a lot, guess I'll interrogate him. "Dam-" I was abruptly cut off by someone dragging me back upstairs. It was Kol.

*Kols POV*

It didn't seem like Vivian was waking up anytime soon. Guess I should go downstairs and help my brother out. Don't want those Salvatore brothers pulling anything out the bag and trying to kill him. Yeah he daggered me, but he's still my brother and I'll deal with him on my own terms. I smirked at myself in the mirror, making sure I looked good before leaving to room to join the gathering.

"Decided to join us brother..." Rebekah sarcastically commented as I entered the room. I couldn't help but chuckle,"Strumpet...." I coughed out, indicating her affairs with Damon, who also happened to be in the same room. Gaining no reply from her, I had decided victory on that little tiff and sat myself down on the couch, tentatively listening in on what was happening.

"I think you should hand Elena over to me, I could keep her safe. After all...we don't want her killing herself now do we? This is for everyones best interest". Klaus debated. "You see my brother, he...murdered the original hunters centuries ago". Elijah added. I rolled my eyes, my brothers...always the peace makers. Why couldn't they just threaten the Salvatores. I'm sure that would work just as well, maybe even better.

"How do we know you'll keep her safe huh? Damon narrowed his eyes but before anyone could reply or answer Vivian walked in looking completely out of it completely out of it, her clothes and skin were still smeared with blood. As she started speaking to my brother, I quietly stood up and made my way over to her. My sisters suspicious eyes watching my every movement. Before anything more could be said about the current situation I yanked her arm and wooshed her back upstairs.

*Vivians POV*

"What the hell Kol?" I snapped at him. Pushing his hand off of my arm. He just looked at me. Like he was studying my face. So I studied his, god he was gorgeous, his hair was fair and flicked up and his eyes were a chocolate dark brown. Don't forget the excellent body that was probably carved by gods. I could just devour him. It was then when I realized I was in pain. My legs ached and my stomach was churning. As if he had read my mind he picked me up bridal style and carried me into damons bathroom. "Why don't you need a shower?, you need to relax and collect your thoughts". He wasn't asking, oh no, he was telling.

"Well..shoo?" I motioned my hands as if to sweep him out the room. He grinned wildly at me. I rolled my eyes. "I'm staying to enjoy the show" he cocked his eyebrow at me. "Kol...." I gave him the eyes. Oh yeah, the puppy dog eyes. I may be 2000 years old but I still feel like my 18 year old self. "Fine..." he frowned and help his hands up in surrender. In a flash he was gone.

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