1. bathroom

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"What are you doing!" Rishi Sunak shouted, as he caught a civil servant being sick in the No10 bathroom. 

"Sorry, Prime Minister."

"Don't you have a meeting to be at?" 

"Yes, with the Deputy PM. I'm sorry." They said, scuttling out with a tear stained face, and Rishi shook his head. 

After relieving himself, he admired his reflection while washing his hands, when he heard a sinister creak from the closed cubicle door behind him. From it emerged Gavin Williamson, his eyes piercing and his curl of hair bouncing aggressively. Rishi stiffened. The last thing he needed was to be alone in a bathroom with his creepy ex. He looked down at his hands, avoiding eye contact. But when he dared to look up, he jumped at the sight of Gavin's reflection in the mirror, stood right behind him like a folklore villain. 

"Hi Gavin!" Rishi squeaked, even more awkward than usual. 

"This isn't fair, is it, darling?" Gavin purred, breathing down his neck. Rishi turned to face him.

"What isn't fair?" He asked, then quieter. "And I'm not your 'darling'." 

"You got rid of me at the drop of a hat. But when the same allegations are made against Raab you don't do a thing!" He growled. 

"It's not the same Gavin. There was undebatable evidence against you."

"Oh Rishi." Gavin said with a sympathetic expression, cupping Rishi's cheek in his. He flinched. "You don't understand, do you? Dom has you wrapped around his little finger. He's using you, darling. I wouldn't treat you like that." 

"Well, that's not how I remember our time together!" Rishi snapped, and Gavin's expression fell. 

"If that's how it is." He said, beginning to walk away. But as he reached the door, he turned back to Rishi, raising the hand which seconds ago had been on his cheek. "Oh, and Rishi, I did a number two." He confessed, sashaying out. Rishi's face contorted in disgust as he grabbed a paper towel and started scrubbing at his cheek. 

"2 ply!" He shrieked to himself, seeing the irritation the peasant's towel had left behind. He shook his head and pulled a pen from his pocket, beginning to scribble frantically on a sheet. 'CLEANER: these proletarian facilities are unsuitable for the leaders of a G7 economy! upgrade at once.' He scribbled frantically, before swishing out the door and into his office. 

rishi sunak x dominic raabWhere stories live. Discover now