3. hard

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Rishi lay on the sofa of the No10 apartment, practically the servant's quarters compared to what he was used to. He had been staring at the ceiling fiddling with a Rubik's cube for an hour now. Now he could be alone with his thoughts, he began to think about what Gavin told him earlier, that Dom was using him. Thinking back on their time together, they'd been having (what ordinary people would call) an emotional affair for some time, but only when the first complaint came in did Dom finally kiss him. Rishi pushed the thought away. Gavin had been bitter since their messy breakup a few months ago, and he was probably just messing with his head. 

The phone rang, startling him, and he saw Dom on the other line. 

"Hi Dishy." Dom said, and hearing his voice, some of the anxiety began to melt away. 

"Hi Incy." Rishi sighed. He'd started shortening Dom's nickname, 'The Incinerator', though now he just sounded like the spider. "What is it?"

"Did you see Fruitcake has called for me to resign?" 


"Jake Berry."

"Gosh, I'd forgotten he existed." 

"Yeah, well, he loved shit talking me on Radio 4."

"Oh Incy. He's just clinging onto relevance. Don't take it personally." 

"I'm not upset about that, darling. And anyway, he's been dealt with."

"How so?"

"I called in a bomb threat to his daughter's school." 

"That's my man." Rishi laughed proudly. "So, what is it you're worried about?" 

"A lot of people, Fruitcake included, are saying I'm just making things harder for you by being there." The emotion in his voice tugged at Rishi's heartstrings.

"Don't listen to them, Dom. They don't know anything about what you do for me."

"So I don't make things hard?"

"Well, there is one thing you make hard..." He smirked. Then he heard footsteps on the stairs. "Shit, Money Bags is here. I've got to go. Love you." He said, hanging up the phone, and quickly rubbing his face with his hands. 

"Hi!" Akshata called, coming through the door with the children.

"Hi, my love. And thanks so much for picking up the kids from school. I know you came straight from the airport from an overnight flight to get them."

"That's okay darling, I know you're very busy. You do look tired." 

"I am, Akshata. I've been working incredibly hard, I'm run ragged." He said, pasting on a pitiful expression. "But, it's for the good of the nation." He said wistfully, slapping his thighs as he stood up. "I'm sorry but I was just about to head to the office to do some work, but we'll catch up later, okay?" 

rishi sunak x dominic raabWhere stories live. Discover now