8. goodbye

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"I'm sorry Incy, it's just what has to be done." Rishi sniffed, wiping a tear.

"It's not fair!" Dom screamed, his face purple. 

"Don't shout! You have to understand where I'm coming from!"

"Oh, I do! Fucking traitor, that's where you're coming from!"

"But we love each other!"

"No we don't. The only thing you love is ruling with integrity, professionalism, and accountability!"

"I don't Dom, you know I don't!"

"LIAR!" He bellowed, so loudly it echoed through the building. 

Then, quietly he leant forward and picked up the mug of cola from the desk. Rishi watched in bewilderment, as Dom went in to take a sip. But just before it met his lips, he hurled the mug across the room and right into a 17th century painting. Then, with a huff, he stomped out the room. 

"What are you fucking looking at?" He howled at the shock staff who'd failed to look away quick enough.


It had been a while since Rishi had cried at his desk, but tonight, he couldn't hold it back. Dom's resignation letter was furious and cold. Though he sometimes had tantrums, he would always apologise afterwards. But today, he had done no such thing. In fact, Rishi hadn't heard a word. 

Then, he heard the sound of a stone at the window. He jumped. Was the woodpecker who'd been terrorising him for weeks returned? He got out of his chair and crept to the window, and to his utter surprise, saw Gavin Williamson with a bouquet of flowers. 

"Throw something down so I can get up!" He grinned gallantly.

"You can just use the front door, Gavin."

"Oh." He sulked off round the corner, and shortly after was coming through the door, slightly out of breath from the stairs. 

Rishi was conflicted. He had grown to hate Gavin and his constant harassment of his new boyfriend, but what did he owe to Dom now? With a pang of guilt, he embraced him. He needed comforting. 

"It's been a very hard day for you, hasn't it?" Gavin purred. 

"Oh, it has."

"Well don't worry. Daddy's here to fix it."


That evening, Dom did what he always did to cheer himself up. He went to Pets at Home and bought a beautiful goldfish. He'd loved animals ever since he was a boy, and the goldfish was his favourite. Then, he carefully took it out of the water-filled bag, and laid the fish on the table, watching with delight as it slowly suffocated.

As he took the slippery body and threw it into his kitchen bin, he knew that despite what he had been through, everything would be okay. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2023 ⏰

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