6. men

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Dom lay awake in bed, staring at the ceiling. When he wasn't tossing and turning, he was rigid as a corpse. The last few days were spent watching Rishi with other men - emasculating was the only way he could describe it. 

First there was Starmer, with whom Rishi chatted civilly as they stood in the front row together. Dom wasn't important enough to be in the front row with them, and the only feeling of vindication he could get was by staring at Starmer with raw fury, hoping he would turn around and fear for his life (he never did). Even worse was PMQ's, an utter waste of time where the opposition did no opposing. Raab watched Rishi struggle to be sincere as he spoke about the importance of standing up to Putin in support for Ukraine. He was so nervous he kept playing with his watch, a gift from his friend Yevgeny. But Raab only stared forward, unpitying. He was unable to function on a basic level when there wasn't conflict happening before him. 

Then there was Zelenskiy. Rishi had watched him speak with loving eyes. Of course, it was inspiring to see a world leader who didn't disappear when his country was in crisis. But that was no different to here! Dom knew what people would say: cut the man some slack, he's fighting a war! But Dom knew what his game was. One minute he'd be begging for fighter jets, but what next? The thought made him shudder. Though, he tried to comfort himself, Rishi loved a man in a suit. And as kind-hearted as he was, no amount of bloodshed would make him tolerate cargos. 

His phone vibrated, pulling him out of his thoughts. Was it Rishi? He looked over at his sleeping wife, took his phone and quietly walked from the room. Unknown number. 

"This is a warning. You're going down and I'm going to make sure of it. You won't survive another week in that government." The voice said chillingly. 


"No- it's not Gavin. Who's Gavin?" The voice replied quickly, and Dom sighed. 

"Gavin, I know it's you. I thought you said you wouldn't do this anymore. It's demeaning for both of us." 

"Yeah, I know. Sorry." Gavin replied. 

"Go back to bed, Gavin."

Dom hung up, shaking his head. He hadn't told Rishi about the calls he'd been getting over the last few months. He didn't want to worry him. But he had to find out why Gavin was out to get him. 

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