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The front page of the Sunday Telegraph that morning brought unwelcome, but not wholly unexpected, news: Liz Truss was back. 

"She's not going to get anywhere with this." Rishi said confidently, adjusting his dressing gown. "50 MPs my derriere." 

"I wouldn't be so sure. She's pretty militant." Penny said, shuddering as she remembered the smear campaign she'd been victim to a few months ago.

"Yeah, sorry about that Splash." Suella said guiltily. 

"Water under the bridge." Penny replied stiffly. 

"So why did you want to speak to us specifically?" Suella asked.

"Well, Liz isn't the only darling of the far-right MLK, you are too."

"So you want me to be a replacement Truss?" Suella asked, in a rare moment of understanding. (She had removed Liz's nickname privileges since she forced her to resign).

"And Splash, you said it yourself, our comms is shit. I need you both on side. We need to win our backbenchers back." 

Rishi nodded with finality, leaning back in his chair as he watched them leave. Now that was dealt with, he finally had a moment to watch Nadine's interview with Boris. And though he was interested to learn about his former bosses fascination with the anatomy of a cow, Nadine only further proved to be entirely useless. As a result, it was a rather demoralising viewing experience. 

Sparing him further torture, Rishi was interrupted by a knock at the door. He took his feet off the desk and removed his Scrooge-style nightcap, which had previously not gone down well in male-bonding situations, and called for his visiter to enter. In came Adam Tolley, who was investigating Raab, and Rishi's heart sank. 

"Good Morning Prime Minister," He started, then seeing his clothing: "Sorry, should I come back later?"

"Oh no, I like to be snug as a bug in a rug on weekends!" Rishi grinned, then sensing the mood, became expressionless. "So, what is it?"

"Er, well I'm sorry to inform you that 3 more civil servants have come forward, so the complaint now represents 27 people."

"Oh Gosh, that's the same number of people who work on my estate!" He cried in horror. Tolley just stood there awkwardly. "Well, thank you for letting me know." Rishi said, defeated. 

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