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— kamryn's pov:

"thank you baby" i smiled weakly as he kissed all over my face as he told me happy birthday.

"shit mami. you getting old" he laughed making me roll my eyes playfully.

"david please" i laughed pushing him away.

"how you feeling?".


"oh what? i meant about the sex but damn you unwell?? like a cold?".

i smiled "the sex was great david don't worry. it's just i don't feel too good. i'm so exhausted and my breasts feel like someone stabbed them.

"my teeth did they were all in my mouth last night".

"david" i said trying to get him to be serious.

"sorry mami. keep on going" he replied kissing my forehead.

"and there's this metallic taste in my mouth. i don't know what it all is but i feel awful".

"i'm sorry kam" dave said kissing my cheek.

"it's fine i just may stay in bed instead of go and get breakfast with y'all".

"that's cool. i'll bring you some food back and i'll bring the girls up they'll wanna see you".

i smiled "yeah that's fine. i wanna see my babies too".

"cool. ima go shower beloved. i'll be back".

"alright handsome gimme kiss".

he leaned in for a kiss before i waved him off into the shower.

grabbing my phone i went onto safari and began typing up these symptoms.

fuck was wrong with me?

∞ ₒ ˚ ° 𐐪𐑂 ° ˚ ₒ ∞

— dave's pov:

i sprayed some cologne as i walked out of the bathroom to kamryn laying in bed looking sick and all.

"shit you really are unwell mami. i'm sorry" i said kissing her cheek as she got all comfortable in bed.

"it's alright" she smiled weakly.

i kissed on her lips making her smile.

"i don't wanna make you sick" she said.

"a nigga don't get sick beloved".

"oh david please" she laughed.

"what you don't believe me?" i laughed.

"no i do not david. you do get sick and when you do i just know you'll be on my ass".

"blah blah blah" i mumbled against her lips.

she smiled "boy go away and feed my babies and me".

i chuckled "i got y'all. i'll be back in twenty".

"i'll be here" she smiled.

i gave her a quick peck on the lips before rubbing her cheek and disappearing through the door.

— kamryn's pov:

once i could no longer hear his footsteps i opened back up my phone and looked at the recent result of my search.

my heart sank. it couldn't be right.

i scrolled down the page finding mentions of other problems so it soothed me. i didn't want to believe it.

we met via our daughters.Where stories live. Discover now