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— kamryn's pov:

"oh shit" i hissed limping out of the bathroom in pain "david" i cried my voice barely above a whisper. the pain had robbed me of my voice.

i used the ottoman that we had at the bottom of the bed to crouch over enabling me to cradle my bump with my other hand.

this was unsuccessful as my whimpers and cries only became louder waking dave up.

"kam?...kamryn you okay? what's wrong? are you hurt?" he asked waking up more after each question.

i shook my head "i've gone into labour david".

he looked at me his face blank as he looked down from my eyes to my bump to the puddle that was developing under me.

"shit, come let's go".

"no oh please wait" i pleaded rubbing my stomach as the pain became unbearable. i continued to do so until the usual 20 seconds passed.

"okay we gotta go. you get in the car and call your OBGYN, i'll get the kids and the baby bag".

i waddled out of the room trying to push the pain and numbness i was feeling all over me to the back of my head so i could make it to the car on the drive safely.

i reached there successfully and let my obgyn know what was happening, she knew my birth plan and everything so she instructed us to come straight to the hospital no matter what.

i felt the raging pain of another contraction just as dave pulled half asleep girls out of the house and into the car.

"oh please" i cried throwing my head back onto the head rest as i breathed out through my nose. tears rolled down my cheeks while i rubbed my bump.

"i'm gonna get us there, just breathe kamryn. just breathe" he soothed his voice fading out as i felt myself pass out.

∞ ₒ ˚ ° 𐐪𐑂 ° ˚ ₒ ∞

— dave's pov:

"kamryn, kamryn. is she okay? are our babies okay?" i asked receiving no answer as she was rushed through the double doors.

"is mommy okay daddy? daddy daddy" ava panicked her voice quickening.

"she's okay baby, she's alright" i comforted picking her up and kissing her cheek as i wrapped my free arm around ava and kairi.

please let her be okay.

"come let's sit down, let's go" i encouraged walking to the row of empty seats they had.

i sat down, ava on my lap with kairi and kobi sitting on either side of me.

kobi hugging her bear sunny and kairi resting on my side as ava rested on my chest.

"mommy will be okay right?" kairi asked breaking the momentary silence that had just occurred.

i nodded, not having a clue. her passing out was so sudden i had no time to process. she was just gone just like that. disconnected from me.

we met via our daughters.Where stories live. Discover now