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AN: as i've expressed, i am having troubles adding media to my story. some parts in this story MAY not make sense due to missing media. i apologise for the inconvenience. i'm trying to get this issue fixed fast af! i hope y'all still enjoy. i love you!

— kamryn's pov:

"i love you ava" i cooed kissing all over her face as his mom took her.

like every winter ava had developed a severe cold and dave's mom insisted on watching her and happily ava agreed.

i was grateful she was happy as she was previously upset at the fact she was going to have to miss kairi's birthday party today.

"mommy will make sure to bring you a big chunky slice of cake and a party bag".

"and i promise to open my presents with you when i come back" kairi smiled.

i smiled "you rest up honeybun, i'll call every hour or two to check in" i said looking at his mom.

"you rest kamryn. trust me she is in good hands i'll call if anything".

"i know" i nodded.

"trust mami" dave added "moms been feeding me that good soup and medicine since i was young and i always got better. that ontop of some vapour rub will have you straight princess".

"i know" she cheesed just happy to be fussed over and resting.

i smiled weakly with a slight laugh "i love you" i sighed placing a kiss on her cheek.

"and i love you mommy".

i smiled backing up to allow dave, kairi and kobi kiss and hug her goodbye followed by our goodbyes to his parents.

i gave ava one last wave before walking out behind dave.

"oh i miss her already" i sobbed looking at dave.

"trust me kamryn. she'll be okay".

"i know she will but i miss my baby david" i continued feeling tears come.

"ma..." he chuckled knowing it was my hormones, they had gotten worse the closer i got.

he placed a kiss on my cheek "you gonna be laughing at yourself later".

"so are you" i argued back.

"word about what?" he asked as i departed from him.

"go away".

"lil mad ass" he smirked sending a smack to my ass.

"y'all strapped in" i asked tugging on their seatbelts.


"alrighty" i replied getting into the front passenger seat.

"alright let's get your hair done!!" i smiled more excited than them as dave pulled off. i couldn't wait.

∞ ₒ ˚ ° 𐐪𐑂 ° ˚ ₒ ∞

— dave's pov:

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