Chapter three:konoha

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( ̄▽ ̄)

Well after that "incident" we arrived at konoha.The streets were bustling with people ,I looked around with awe.

,,Holy shit Konoha is bigger then I expected."

,,So what do you want to do here now?"
,,Become a shinobi duh."I said confidently.
,,Terrible decision really but your choice."

We walked past something that looked like training ground I stopped walking as I saw the people training.There was a teenager maybe 14 with long black hair, he was with his back to us but the thing that catch my attention was the Uchiha symbol on his jacket.

"Huh, wasn't the Uchiha massacre already?"

Tao didn't seemed to hear me and turned to me,
"Hurry up."

"Coming coming."

I ran after her

POV Narrator
They arrived at the Hokage office,Tao knocked at the door.
A faint,,Come in."was heard and we walked in, the office was just like I remember,the Hokage sat on the desk,a few scrolls were scattered around. 

,,Good morning Lord Hokage ,sorry for the early disturbance.This young Lady wanted to talk to you."said the brunette in a polite tone.

,,Morning?Whats the time?"asked y/n,,It's 7 am."

,,What you had a mission so early"whispered the e/c girl to Tao,,Yes and if you want to be a shinobi then you too."she whispered back.

,,Ah I see may I know your name?"asked the Hokage.

,,It's Y/n l/n sir."

He seems taken aback

,,L/n?I thought they were all dead."

,,Ah that."

,,Welp seems you're like the main character now.",the brunette remarked.
,,Great thank you."said Y/n sarcastic.

,,You're dismissed."He said to Tao.

,,Yes lord Hokage ."she bowed and disappeared into dust.

,,So back to you.You said you're from the l/n clan."
,,Well I said my last name was L/n."

,,Good.Hmm interesting."
,,Uh what's so interesting." ,,Well the clan was supposed to have been wiped out a century ago."

A century?


,,How is that possible." ,Y/n deadpanned

Ok ok good,no not good,like I said sucks to be you y/n,you're probably going to be in for a wild ride.



Well poor Y/n

I mean she comes here and immediately got attacked by the akatsuki.

I have a bad feeling .
Not about her but what's lurking inside her.She has a overwhelming amount of chakra,a inhuman amount.

I should warn her and the Hokage ,the akatsuki won't accept defeat so easily,my body is one of a 13 year old kid, so I can't really fight one of them,nah I don't want to get chocked like Sasuke.

Itachi could choke me any time-Ahem 

But first I need to report to the Hotage,hm,maybe later I'm hungry.

"Oh Ryuji,Hi.",I looked at the long haired male. "Who was that girl with you?"

"Oh I found her in the forest, she seems to be important."

"I don't trust her."

"You don't trust anyone Ryuji."


Autors Note
Y/N,Y/N you are in terrible danger
(Please someone get the reference)

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