Chapter three:konoha

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Well after that "incident" we arrived at konoha.

,,Holy shit Konoha is bigger then I expected."

,,So what do you want to do here now?",,Become a shinobi duh."I said confidently.
,,Terrible decision really."

POV Narrator
They arrived at the Hokage office,Jana knocked at the door.
A faint,,Come in."was heard.

,,Good morning Lord Hokage ,sorry for the early disturbance.This young Lady wanted to talk to you."said the brunette in a polite tone.

,,Morning?Whats the time?"asked y/n,,It's 7 am."

,,What you had a mission so early"whispered the e/c girl to Jana,,Yes and if you want to be a shinobi then you too."she whispered back.

,,Ah I see may I know your name?"asked the Hokage.

,,It's Y/n l/n sir."He seems taken aback,,L/n?I thought they were all dead."

,,Excuse me what."

,,Welp seems you're like the main character now.",Jana remarked.
,,Great thank you."said Y/n sarcastic.

,,You're dismissed."He said to Jana.

,,Yes lord Hokage ."she bowed and disappeared into dust.

,,So back to you.You said you're from the l/n clan."
,,Well I said my last name was L/n."

,,Good.Hmm interesting."
,,Uh what's so interesting." ,,Well you see there was a myth about the L/n clan that they captured the eleven tailed beast."
Eleven tails?


,,I thought there are only ten."

,,There are ten official.The eleven tailed is more like a myth."
Ok ok good,no not good,like I said sucks to be you y/n,you're probably going to be traumatized for live.

POV Jana

Well poor Y/n

I mean she comes here and immediately got attacked by the akatsuki.

I have a bad feeling .
Not about her but what's lurking inside her.She has a overwhelming amount of chakra,a inhuman amount.

I should warn her and the Hokage ,the akatsuki won't accept defeat so easily,my body is one of a 13 year old kid, so I can't really fight one of them,nah I don't want to get chocked like Sasuke.

Itachi could choke me any time-Ahem

Yeah that's scene was actually funny especially the memes.

But first I need to report to the Hotage.

Autors Note
Y/N,Y/N you are in terrible danger
(Please someone get the reference)

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