Chapter 20:calm before the storm

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When we arrived we went to the Hokage office and reported what happened.He frowned as he heard us say that we encountered Orochimaru and that he took the body.However he didn't comment on it.

Afterward we went to an restaurant to celebrate my first mission.

"Eat as much as you want,I'll pay,but don't overeat.",Tao said as we entered the restaurant."Oh by the way,I forgot,Ryuji want to meet you and he's bringing Sasuke."
"Ryuji,oh Right the other survivor?Why is he bringing Sasuke.",I asked.

"Well I thought about inviting Ryuji because well you seemed to want to meet him and since he was the last adult Uchiha ,besides you know,he is the legal guardian of Sasuke and I thought:Hey maybe you could also get closer to Sasuke while this,if you want of course,if not I'd totally understand,he's a pain in the ass."

A waiter showed us our table and the two were already waiting for us.
Ryuji was tall he was even taller than Tao,who is literally taller than Kakashi,he has long black hair and black eyes,kinda reminds me of Hashirama but Uchiha.

Sasuke sat opposite to him and looked,well like Sasuke.Tao sat down next to Ryuji,so I only could sit next to Duckbutt.

A silence engulfed us.

"So you're L/N,well I'm delighted to meet you,I've heard much about you from Tao.",Ryuji broke the silence.The waiter came and brought us the menu.

"Let's get the grill menu,I heard that it's good.",Tao suggested.The waiter came and we ordered our drinks and food.I got a f/d.

"So uhm,so how was the mission?",Ryuji tried to break the silence again.He seemed cold,but there was a hint of curiosity in his voice.
"Oh well it went pretty well but we got an unexpected guest...",I answered.He raised a eyebrow "And who was it?" Tao leaned over and whispered something into his ear,he frowned.

Silence again.

"Come on it's a celebration let's ease up a bit.So Sasuke how is the ninja life treating you?",Tao asked.
Sasuke looked up "Well my sensei is strong but my teammates are idiots."
The food came and the tension eased up a bit.
The waiter put a small grill on the center of the table and various meats,vegetables and other things,a small tray of sauces and spices.Each of us had a quarter of the grill for ourselves.

"Well bon appetite."
I took a piece of (meat of choice) and dipped it in spice before putting it on the grill.Sasuke took a lot of the tomatoes.The atmosphere was more relaxed and Tao and Ryuji began to chat.

It was great(if Sasuke wasn't here)

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