Chapter 24: Cow looking ass

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I was looking at the two demon brothers tied to the tree as Tazuna suddenly spoke up.

"Master...Mr.Sensei,sir...I...have something I need to say."

Dramatic scenery change

We were sitting on a boat hidden in the mist, I laid slumped against the edge of the boat I was TIRED guess sleep deprivation and walking for hours has finally catch up to me.I slowly dozed off and my mind barely registered Tazuna talking.

Oi wake up brat.


"WHOA!ITS HUUGE.", Naruto screamed wich I just grumbled and turned around to continue sleeping.

After arriving Kakashi grabbed my arm and pulled me up, startling me, I yelped and glared at him which he only replied with a smile (I think). After regaining my balance I stepped off the boat and joined the others.

"Naruto please tone down a bit I really don't need you begin hyperactive right now.",I tried to calm him down cus no way I am dealing with his ass now-

There is someone watching us.


"OVER THERE!",Naruto pointed to the side and everyone instantly turned to the side....nothing. "Uh guess it was only a mouse.", which made Sakura angry ,"WHAT MOUSE?THERE IS NOTHING HERE YOU MORON!!" Kakashi only said a bit nervous "Please...please don't play around with your shuriken.They could be just a teensy bit dangerous."

I sweat dropped,"Naruto please don't scare us like that I really can't use a scare right now." Naruto just pouted and then looked around again,"THIS TIME,THERE!" He threw a shuriken at a bush.
"I TOLD YOU TO QUIT IT.", Sakura yelled and punched him.

I just ignored them and went to check on the rabbit."LOOK WHAT YOU'VE DONE NARUTO!"
I looked at the white rabbit Naruto now held dramatically in his arms and frowned, I looked at Kakashi who also looked like he realized that something was wrong.

A faint rustling was heard and his eyes widened."EVERYONE TAKE COVER.", everyone instantly went down and before I even could react I was tackled by Kakashi and looked over his shoulder to see Zabuza standing on Kubikiribocho(his sword).I slightly sweated but I really couldn't keep a straight face because of all the memes I now remember about him.

Hehe cow print

Naruto looked like he wanted to attack but Kakashi held him back.
"Don't interfere.Give me room.This one is one a whole different level than our previous opponent." He began taking off his head band. Zabuza chuckled "Kakashi of the sharingan eye I presume?If it wouldn't be much trouble...could you surrender the girl?"


Kakashi looked him shocked. "What the gir-" Zabuza pointed at me. "I don't need that old man if you're think I'm going after him, i want the L/N."


"THERES NO WAY I LET YOU HAVE Y/N-CHAN YOU STUPID COW PRINT.", Naruto yelled angrily and ran before me pulling out a Kunai.Sakura looked at me "Why would he want you-"


"Ahh to have the honor to face the legendary mirror wheel so early in our acquaintance...This is an honor.", Zabuza remarked as Kakashi moved up his headband, revealing his sharingan.

"I will spare you the long talk, hand over the girl or I'll take her by force."


Mist filled the air as Zabuza used his signature move and vanished in the mist. "Everyone be on guard.", I yelled as I tried to detect his chakra signature in the mist, which of course was unsuccessful.

"Fuck-eleven Tails-whatever your name is HELP ME.",I yelled in my head.

So loud...whatever I'll help you, he is to your right.

I instantly dodge to the left.And narrowly missed getting hit by the dull side of Zabuza's blade.It probably wouldn't be lethal but I would definitely be knocked out.Zabuza looked impressed."Impressive ,maybe you aren't that useless as I initially thought."

He went on to swing at me again which I avoided. Kakashi appeared beginnen and pushed me behind him. "Naruto, Sakura ,Sasuke.Protect Mr.Tazuna.Y/N.Stay behind me, I'll protect you."

Zabuza chuckled and raised his blade again."I'd like to see you try." He disappeared again and Kakashi looked around to locate him.Zabuza dashed out of the mist and attacked Kakashi.
While he was distracted another Zabuza came out of the mist.

Behind you.

I turned around and blocked the attack however he was much stronger than me and I was thrown into the lake.

The coldness hit me like a truck and I swam back onto the surface once I could breathe again I focused chakra into my feet and managed to stand up and stand on the water surface.

I sweated as I looked around the mist, I was on the water, a pretty bad location looking at Zabuza's fighting style but wtf should I do??I got thrown into the water.

Drenched in water I managed to exit the lake and join Naruto and the others. Sasuke looked like he was having an mental breakdown. "Sasuke.", I gained his attention "Calm down, we won't die.Kakashi-sensei will protect us and I will try my best too." "That's right", Kakashi stated,"I won't let my comrades die."


Sasuke looked a bit calmed but suddenly Zabuza appeared behind us and grabbed me by my collar. "Fuuuuuuu-"
He thew me against a tree and I landed in a branch ,hard.I wheezed out air as I tried to get up but I was yanked up again and Zabuza held me by my collar, I was still dripping wet.

"LET Y/N GO YOU STUPID COW!",Naruto yelled, Zabuza chuckled. "Say goodbye to your friend here because you won't see her for a long time."
"Y/N-CHAN.", I heard Sakura's voice before the mist consumed us and we vanished from the view, leaving the team and Tazuna behind.

Well shit, this mission is going well.

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