Chapter ten:i got the drippp

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I went to sleep.


His fucking fault for leaving me like that,hah

Now deal with this Mizubitch alone.🤷

Let him have his emotional moment with Iruka.
Anyways Jana came back🥳

,,Yo Y/N-what the fuck"Jana locked at the bubble of water I created."Cool huh?Its called water style:suffocation or smt."I said proud

„Isn't this shit forbidden-Ahem okay is there like a important event I missed?"

,,Yeah uh Mizubitch is gone now."

,,That's nice.So uh I brought you a outfit that was often wore by your clan people back In the hidden cloud,it's not much but here.
It was a long black turtleneck paired with loose black pants,white combat boots and a f/c haori with a symbol on the back.
The clothing was light and soft.

,,Well i let them custom made and paired your clan with modern clothing....So uh do like it?"
,,Are you kidding me?I love it!"I exclaimed happily.
,,Im glad.So anyways look what I have."
She holds up two pieces of paper.
,,That's chakra paper,if you let your chakra flow into it,you will find out your chakra nature,here."
She handed me one.

,,Fokus on your chakra flow."

I concentrated and let chakra flow into it.

It turned wet.

,,So water?Cool,hm,here try again."

,,Just do it."
I did they same again but this time it started to crumble and electricity flew through it.
,,Hah just what I thought,you also have two chakra natures.Water and lightning."
,,Yeah I have two chakra natures too,fire and wind."

,,Wow that sounds powerful."
I said
,,Maybe but not as powerful as you,water and lightning is a powerful combination,Y/N make a promise to me."
,,No matter what happens don't trust people so easily.Understand?"
,,Yeah,don't worry,I don't trust people that easily." ,,
„All what took me to make you trust me was a Ligma joke-"

,,That's something else",I said in embarrassment.
,,Mhm sure now go,you get your team today so don't be late."

,,Oh right,thanks bye!"I quickly changed into my new outfit and left the house making my way to the academy.

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