Chapter four:akatsuki

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POV Deidara


This bitch

How did I lost against a child.

I entered the hideout,

,,So why did you called us."asked Pein.
I started but got cut off by Zetsu

,,Because he got defeated by a child."said Kazuku in a bored tone.A venis appeared at my forehead.

,,NO I-"

,,Stop yelling I'm sure Deidara didn't summoned us for this."


,,There's a tenth Jinchuriki."

,,That's impossible,"said Hidan
,,I have fucking eyes,this girl got a inhuman amount of chakra and a seal.I wanted to capture her but another brat caught me off guard and escaped with her."

,,Hmm I suppose that was a elite ninja." Said Itachi

,,I-well she looked like 14,BUT she made a successful mud wall ninjitsu so she must be well trained."

„So she was your age?",Kisame remarks.

,, back to the targets,do you have any information about them?"asked Pein.

,,The Jinchuriki has e/c eyes and h/c hair/hijab.She looks like eight.Her name was y/n I think.And the other girl is a konoha shinobi.She has brown hair and pale skin.The other girl called her Jana so I thinks that's her name."

,,Well this Jana is uninteresting now,we need to focus on the Jinchuriki."


Well shit

I may be a Jinchuriki

Of a beast that shouldn't exist
That would explain the voice that warned me
And why Deidara attacked me.

,,Sup."said Jana out of nowhere.,,Ah Jesus."
,,You should be aware of your surroundings."said the pale girl.,,Yeah yeah."
,,So what did he say."

,,He said that I can stay and attend the academy."
,,That's great,",,You promised me to buy me something when we see again."
Jana frowned,,Yeah right,go ahead and choose something ."
She ended up buying me a pretty hairpin/hairclip.It looked pretty expensive but Jana keep telling me that it wasn't that expensive.
It was f/c with f/flower on it.

,,I'm hungry."I whined ,,Ok chill lets go to the Famous ramen shop.",Jana answers slightly annoyed.

,,Damn you're really spoiling me where the money.",,When I got here all alone I started gambling."Started Jana,,oh that's not so nice.",,Im not done yet.",,Huh.",,I also used to be an hitman."
,,Damn that escalated quickly."
I sweat dropped.
We arrived at the ramen shop.,,Hey Girls what can I you both."
,,One ramen with extra spicy chicken broth ."ordered Jana,,For me (ramen of choice).",I say.

Someone sat besides us.,,Hey paleface!"it was Naruto.
,,Paleface?"I asked amused.

,,Right,Naruto this is Y/n."
,,Hello I am Naruto and I'm going to be the future Hotage believe it!"
He said energetic.
I chuckled,,I believe you."He seems taken aback."Really?YAY HAHAHAH." He seems happy.
"Come Naruto,I invite to to eat with us,it's on me."

He asked hopeful

,,Yay I have the two best friends in the world."The scene made my heart melt,this is going to be one hell of a life here.

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