Chapter seven:The Raikage

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I walked to class.
Not that I want to but Jana would beat my ass even from 100 miles away if I would skip classes.
But before I could enter Iruka stopped me,,Y/N the Hotage wants to see you."
Oh shit did I do something wrong?

I hurried to the Hotage office Jana was waiting in front of the door.
,,Jana what's the matter?"I asked worried

,,You'll see,I need to tell you some information before you come in,,Your" clan was really powerful and located near the hidden cloud village and they were a close allies,so the Raikage wants to see you."
,,Wow great.Thank you for telling so early."I said sarcastically,Jana opened the door and we both stepped in.
,,Good morning Lord Hotage and Lord Raikage.I bring yo-"
She got cut off by A.(Yes that's actually his name).
The Raikage looked the same as in shippuden only with less wrinkles.

Besides him are C and Darui they looked clearly younger.

,,Well here she is."said Jana again slightly annoyed.I then said hesitantly ,,Uh Hello Lord Raikage."
Awkward silence
,,Uh,Good that you are here now,Y/N.Have a seat."I sat down.
,,Darui,C you both are dismissed,leave now."said A.They nodded and left through the door.,,Jana you may leave too."she nodded and disappeared through the window.

Narrator POV

While Y/n,the Raikage and the Hotage discussed about important things,Darui and C went to a dango shop.

When they entered Darui spotted Jana in the corner of the shop smoking and looking through scrolls.
,,Isn't that the girl from the Hotage office?"he asked C.,,Yeah,that's her."
She opened another roll.,,Let's talk to her."They walked over to Jana and sat down across from her.Jana looked up.,,Can I help you."it didn't sounded like a question.C spoke up first

,,What's your name."

,, Jana and yours?"

Jana raised her eyebrows

,,Who would name her child after a letter."

,,Uh I'm Darui."
There was a long pause.Jana lighted up her second cigarette.
,,You shouldn't smoke so much,especially at your age.",,Ts it'll heal anyways,ever heard of regeneration?"

She closed the scroll and sealed it.
,,What are these scrolls?"asked Darui.
,,Reports from missions."
Jana took a sip from her tea.

,,So tell me what does the Raikage really want from Y/N."
she said.
,,It's classified."said Darui but Jana grinned
,,Doesn't matter anyways as Y/N's guardian the Hotage will tell me about it anyways."
they looked shocked ,, You're her guardian?How old are you?"asked C.

,,I am 18,so I'm old enough."nether of them asked more questions.

Jana standed up,,So I need to leave it was nice to meet you good bye."and with that she left.

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