Chapter 13:Getting my ass beaten

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Next day

Me and Jana stood on the training grounds.

"Sooo,what now."
Jana created a clone. "I want you to fight her."
"You heard me,I want you to hit her at least once,she won't use any jutsu's only her physical strength."
"But physical abilities are like your main focus-"

I couldn't even react before Jana's clone sweeps my foot away causing me to slip and fell onto the ground.
Jana just looked down to me and sighed
"We need to work on your reaction speed."  She took out a notebook and wrote something down. "Also don't think I will go easy on you just because you're my kid."

Aw man-wait a second,did she just called me her child?

"Did you just call me your kid?AWWW"
Jana just stared at me. "No food till you manage to hit the clone."

Time skip

After hours I finally managed to hit the clone on its hand,oh boy I was exhausted af.
It was already evening.

"Very good Y/N." Jana ruffled my hair/patted my head.
"You passed."

Wait a minute-
"Yup,anyways what do you want to eat."
"DONT CHANGE THE TOPIC-......(Favorite/Meal)."

"Good let's go."
We went back to our home.I sat down on the dimmer table while Jana was preparing to cook.
"So we will train the next days except if we get a mission."

" about the land of waves arc-"
"Don't worry I will try my best to make you join team seven on this mission." "Really?Thanks,but wait only me?"

"Yes,there's something I noticed and it is that I can't always be there to protect you,you also have to be able to do it on your own and I want you to bound with team seven a bit it's nothing against you are a really strong girl you know?You are the only one that managed to pass my test,Y/N,I'm willing to teach you everything I know.Ah Jesus-sorry I just rambled uh-how about you learn some medical jutsu?I will teach you that tomorrow,until the you can study a bit,I have a book about that in my room go get it."

I just nodded and went silently to Jana's room,it was kinda big,a double bed, a desk with a lot of paper on it and two shelved full of books who were alphabetical sorted,i looked at M and found it,just as I want going to walk out I noticed one particular paper sticking out,it was a letter,after a debate between my curiosity and my head telling me to respect Jana's privacy I took it and began to read.

Hello Jana,
It's me and I have some worrying news,the akatsuki are planning to take L/N when they get the chance.Even thought we don't know if the eleven tailed can get removed from her i still think you should start training her and maybe teach her the technique,but first be sure she is strong enough to handle it,it's your choice your the only one to that mastered it,but be careful and keep a low profile.

Love S.U.

What.Who is S.U......Jana seems to know a lot more than she shows.I put back the letter and left with a lot of questions.

Author note
-Guess who S.U. is(i think y'all already know)
-The the technique is cursed,that's why Jana is not sure.
-It's my longest chapter
-Author is not really good scheduled that's why the updates are irregular
-Ty all for the support 😭❤️

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