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It's been two days since I found the letter and I still can't get it out of my mind.

What's this technique this person wants Jana to teach me?

Who is S.U.?

And why is Jana keeping this from me?

Man I'm getting a headache.Jana also seemed to notice it.
"Hey are you alright,we can take a break if you want."
"Oh no no I'm alright just uh thinking."
"Oh okay."

I focused on the cut on Jana's arm,it was kinda scary as Jana took out a Kunai and just cut herself then told me to heal it to practice medical jutsu.

I poured some of my chakra into the wound and it stopped bleeding.
"Good I think that's enough medical jutsu for today,take a break we have a mission soon."

"Really do you know what it's about?"
"No but I'm sure it's a D or C rank mission." "Jana gave me some money. "Go buy yourself lunch I have something to do the Hokage is excepting us after the lunch break."

With that she body flickered away to god knows where.

I decided to buy some ramen and went to  ichiraku ramen (obviously).
Time skip

I met Jana at the Hokage office.As we both went in we were greeted by the Hokage.He started to explain the mission.

"Your two's mission is to patrol at an nearby small village on the north for two days,it was raided by bandits multiple times by bandits.It's a B rank mission.Any questions?"

Jana spoke up.
"Hold up,isn't it dangerous to give a B rank mission to a freshly graduated genin?"
He answered "Well,we currently don't have other Chunin to do it,also I'm sure you can handle them,Jana.I have faith in Y/N."

Dayum I'm flattered,the almighty third Hokage complimented me lmao-

Anyways I'm exited,no chores,no babysitting shit.


Patrolling a village and maybe fight some bandits sounds good to me.

So we left the village and went towards north.
"Sooo do you have any special abilities.",i asked Jana.
"Well I'm pretty fast and physically strong.",she answered.
"Anything else?"
"I am pretty good with using weapons like katanas and kusarigamas."
I wasn't satisfied
"I mean like special kekkei genkai or something like that,ya know?"

"...well yes I do....but I don't like using them.",she said a bit sad.

"Oh why?",i asked.

"Because they're harmful for both me and the environment."

"Really?What does it do?"
"Not now."

"Why tho."
"Because we're begin watched."

Autors Note
Guess who is back and decided to continue this book :DD

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