Chapter 15:Flashback and a stalker(and a shocking discovery)

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I tensed up,like bro 😀
As I looked around I didn't see anything.
"Are you sure?Like I can't see anything.",I asked her.
"Pretty sure,I can feel it.",she answered."
"What do you mean feel-"

I looked around and catches a glimpse of an giant plant,but as I blinked it

Welp maybe I'm just imagining things or a giant Venus flytrap is stalking us.

Oh shit

It kinda reminds me of the conversation I had with the Raikage.

As Jana left the room and the Hokage spoke up."So,i suppose you are here because of miss L/N,right?"

The Raikage scoffed "Damn right,the L/N clan was an powerful ally of Kumo.I can't let the last heir walk around as an shinobi of Konoha!"

I irked "I'm not some sort of property of the hidden cloud-" I started but was cut of by the Hokage."While yes,the L/N clan was an important ally of the Kumo.They weren't an clan of you village.
So miss L/N is allowed to decide herself if she wants to stay or not." The Raikage scoffed "Don't be ridiculous she is a way to young to make decisions like this."

"This or we let her legal guardian decide,who is a shinobi of our village,so she wouldn't rule in your favor." Answered the Hokage.The Raikage was getting frustrated.
"So Y/N,who do you choose?"

Flashback end

Yeah I think it's obvious who I choosed.
Why do you ask it reminds me of this?

It don't.

Autor-san just needed a excuse to add this important Dialoge they totally didn't forgot.


We arrived at the village,it was small but has an inn at least.We got a room that was pretty big and has two futons,a balcony,a bathroom and small table.Jana went to the balcony to smoke.While I packed out the most important stuff.

"Y/N.",Jana said from the balcony. "We're going to to do our first patrol when the sun sets,alright?" "Okay.",I yelled back. "Can I go explore the village?"

"Yes,but be careful.",she answered.
"I will.",i reassure her.

I walk out of the inn and began exploring the village.It wasn't as small as it seemed at first,it has a full blown market place,a library,a book store,the inn and a lot of other things.After that I was bored and decided to buy a snack.After eating it I went to the book store.A nice old lady greeted me.

"How can I help you young one?",she asked warmly. "Do you have books about the shinobi clans?The L/N Clan specifically."
"Oh of course they're In the section of history of the shinobi world."

"Thank you ma'am." I went to the section and looked through the books.

Three books catches my attention:

'The great clans of the shinobi world.'

'The L/N clan:the rise and fall of the ghost clan'

'History of the shinobi:Clans.'

As I settled down and began to read 'The great clans of the shinobi world.' I noticed something in the Uchiha chapter:

The Uchiha clan was massacred in only one night.By two of their own members.....only two of the legendary clan survived.

Two killers and two survivors???
What the fuck.
How?Did I miss something?

I decided to buy:

' The great clans of the shinobi world.'


'The L/N clan:the rise and fall of the ghost clan'

After purchasing them,I went back to the inn.
"Your back so fast?",Jana was laying on her futon reading a book."What cha got?"

"Two books...did you know that there was another one that massacred the Uchiha clan besides Itachi and another survivor besides Sasuke??",i asked.

"Yup.",she said nonchalantly.

"What the fuck-who??"

"Well Shisui killed the clan with Itachi.And another Uchiha names Ryuji also survived."
"Ryuji?Never heard of him.",I say confused.
"Me nether,I think he is also added to this timeline,I doubt that he used to be a unimportant side character since he is strong."
"Why did you never bothered to tell me??"
"...well since it was kinda my fault."

Shocked Pikachu face,


"Well you see I befriended Itachi,Shisui and Ryuji...I actually planned to let the two die,
but I forgot when it was supposed to happen,so as Shisui came and talked with me about how he fells really trapped and is thinking about to end himself I obviously comforted him and talked him out of it,
apparently I stopped him from actually committing after loosing his eye,before all this shit Shisui also told me to keep Ryuji away from the Uchiha compound,

I had a bad feeling about this but I still did it,me and Ryuji just trained the entire time...and the next day I found out about the massacre.
I knew from this time on,that I fucked up."

She lowered her book.

"I do not regret stopping their death....but I do have a bad feeling about the future now."

Oh wow.

"What about this Ryuji?",i asked.
"Well he is a shinobi here,I'm actually surprised that you didn't met him,that tall boy with long black hair and black eyes?Looks grumpy.",she described.

"Hm,oh yeah,I saw him talking with you once,Girl I never knew that he was a Uchiha.How did i never knew about this..."

Jana answered
"Well he is pretty isolated and a loner since the massacre,has serious trust issues and Anger issues,to be fair he had them before the massacre the sun is setting,lets prepare for the patrol.",she changed the topic.

I just sighed,i have the feeling that I don't know a lot of other important things here.This entire shit feels like a badly written fanfiction.(🥲✋🏻)

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