6.5.5 - A Small 'Flash Back'

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Author Note, Please Don't Skip;

I need some help, so, please, before you continue reading, answer these two questions.

1) Do you, The Reader, like the small decisions? I know I make one obvious choice if you want to continue reading, but I don't know if you guys find it a waste of time to read the other decision.

2) Is there anything I can include to make this story better? Such as better use of punctuation and grammar, more description, bigger words, more thoughts etc.

Oh! And this is not really part of the three parts, its like a little part to give you some of the back story for you, The Reader, because, obviously, I don't know the back story and personality of every single person on the planet... :)

It was a cold day, snow had been falling, a small child walked down a cobblestone path, crying, with one tiny red shoe in her hand, its friend on her right foot. She was cold and her skin felt icy to touch. She was alone, she couldn't fathom why, but she kept walking in her slow trudge to a destination she knew not of.

Several hours later, when her crying had turned to sniffs, her shoes both on her feet and her body chilled to the bone, she found herself looking at a house, it had become dark outside, but there was light inside the house, it was an intimidating creation to the tiny girl, but she gathered up her courage and approached the door, knocking on the wooden surface, a quiet knock.
A young woman answered the door after a few minutes, the small girl, standing there, was now shivering without the movements of before to keep her warm, the woman saw this and brought the freezing girl inside. The little girl could not remember where she had come from, or if she had parents. She could only remember a name, her first name at that.

That name was (Y/N)

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