7. Bloody Hell

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Just a note for this chapter, it may not always stay clearly in the point of view of you, the reader, this isn't a mistake, it is just a slightly different style of writing for me so the characters seem more evident and such. Thank you my dear reader :)

As you reached your destination — an old warehouse — you looked it over, it was in fairly decent shape, although it looked a little rusted in places. It didn't stop you from looking around for an entrance, you felt happy when exploring, even in tense situations, it sent a slight thrill that no one ever understood with you. It was even starting to show as you traveled with Martha and the Doctor. The Doctor could see this in the curious glint in your eyes as you'd try to force open something that obviously wasn't an entrance, or the way you wouldn't care that there was dirt and grime on your (F/C) jeans and (Other/Colour) shirt. There was an intelligence there too, but it was a modest kind of intelligence.
The Doctor had been glad he had found you, he could see in the way you walked that there was a small hesitation in your features, holding something back, even the way you were ignoring Martha Jones as she tried to talk to you. He noted that you were off in your own world, but that was how your mind worked, it would slip in and out of thought as you tried to solve things.

You looked at the two others with you, although the Doctor wasn't standing by, he was pointing his screwdriver at the wall of the warehouse while Martha was watching on like a lost puppy, you sighed and shook your head, you looked at the warehouse again and took notice of something you hadn't before seen. A dark sign or note on the building, The Doctor and Martha were sort of ignoring you in their own search, so you went on and walked the ten or so steps to the sign. You plucked it off the wall, it was written in a neat hand and it was actually laminated, you didn't understand it until you read its contents. It was a map, of sorts anyway, but you thought it was familiar.
It was familiar in a way that you couldn't quite put your finger on. But the inklings were there to get your mind on a search through its contents to try to find the answer.

Your H/C eyebrows furrowed as you turned the map, and then you realised. It was a damned treasure map! Your mouth suddenly stretched into a grin and you looked around, where would it take you? And what kind of person would leave it laying about?
The questions soon left your mind as you looked at the map. It wasn't about the destination, it was about the journey. Making great memories, although, there was one problem, the writing on the map was in Latin, of just a second anyway, before morphing into English for you to read clearly. Which was strange, perhaps this was a magic treasure map? Your curiousity became intense and you started to follow the alley into the open, for a mind numbing second, you forgot you were on a serious mission. Somewhat like a child seeing the rain for the first time while playing with a toy. You were curious, excited, and almost awed.

The map lead you through the area, until you found an old-looking wall with vines wedged into cracks and grasping themselves tightly to it. The map showed that the 'X' was just infront of you, it had been a short time, you thought, since you had seen the Doctor, and you hadn't gone very far. He would find you eventually. So, you started to climb, first by pulling on the vines, only to find that they held in place and would be safe to climb. You placed the map in your pocket and started your ascent.
As you climbed, you pricked your hand on a thorn or point of some description. Not long after, you started to feel like you were climbing a sort of cliff, or, at least the climb started to seem longer than it looked when you started. You took a chance and looked down, only to see grass and a river flowing freely by you. It confused you at first, and then you felt as if you had been there the whole time.

As you reached the top, you were met with a large, round room. The rafters were high on the ceiling and you saw what you thought was a very, very long piece of fabric dropped around the room everywhere. It was a bit dark in the room, or was that your head, which had started to swim?
You weren't sure, until you saw the world move in a rush, and then your head smacked a surface that hadn't been next to you in the first place. It hurt and you hadnt really registered how it had started to hurt. Your body wouldn't respond to your mind, the commands wouldn't go through. Much like getting your password wrong too many times on a phone or computer.
That was when you saw a figure walking towards you, with a large-ish object. Before your world went dark.

Meanwhile, looking for you, The Doctor and Martha Jones seemed to be a bit lost in a world of thier own, specifically, it was nighttime, gas lamps were lit on the streets and people were comfortably in thier homes. It was not anywhere near the era of guns, but it was no stone or Bronze age. It was about the time people were becoming smarter, near the renaissance, to be exact, according to the Doctor anyway. What could possibly bring them there without the TARDIS or a Vortex Manipulator? The Doctor didn't know the answer to that question. But he would try. He had lost you once, and you had seemed pretty upset about that. If he didn't find you this time, he was pretty sure that, not only would you get yourself into trouble, but you would also be very angry the next time you saw him.
All of a sudden there was a loud crash, a scream and a low growl, comming from infront of them. The doctors first assumption was that it could be you, so he started running, Martha following him as he went.
As they ran, they felt as if something was a little off, until they came to a little girl standing in front of a wolf. She wore a red cloak, he face was covered, but the Doctor could tell that she was a mere child infront of a black wolf with bright, twinkling red eyes. The Moon shone on the town around them. Martha and the Doctor had to think quickly, his mind went wild, thinking of pathways and routes to help her without killing the wolf.
That was until a man came running at the wolf, with an axe.
The Doctor was about to stop him when the man sank the axe into the wolf's left shoulder. It growled in pain, — a low, loud sound from the bottom of its throat — and turned its head towards the man, who pulled the axe back into his possession.
The Doctor very much hoped that you were having a better time than he and Martha Jones were having.

°~° °~° °//~//° °~° °~°

You awoke with a pain raging on the left side of your head, every beat of your heart was felt at your temples. You were a little disoriented, but you managed to walk, something was different about your surroundings, the tower was gone, you were back in the lot of the warehouses. Maybe you had been hallucinating? If that was the case, then you had to find the Doctor and Martha. When you were about to start looking, your phone rang, you fished it from your back pocket and answered, pressing the listening end into your ear a bit.

"Hello?" You asked more than said.
"(Y/N)! Hey, where are you?" Came the male voice on the other end of the phone.
"Matt?! Bloody hell... I don't really know. At a industrial area? Y'know, warehouses et cetera. I haven't spoken to you in 6 months. What have you been doing all this time?"
"That's not really that important, but you should get to London as soon as you can, everyone's gone completely nuts!"
"Why? What's the problem?" You were getting confused, the pain in your head didn't help.
"People are seeing things, like stories we tell kids and stuff. I mean, yeah, I can sort of see some of the stuff to, but I have the common sense to ring someone sane about it."
"Uh—hold on. What do you mean seeing things?"
"I mean, pigs walking on two legs wearing clothes, giant wolves, axe murderers and heaps of other stuff. Just, please, get here as soon as you can, okay?"
You nodded and told him that you'd be right there, you weren't seeing any of that now, but you kind of did before, the Doctor would have to wait.

You started running. You were off to London.

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