2 - What?

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You woke up, dizzy and confused, you found yourself tied to a pole with handcuffs. In your peripheral vision you saw something moving around, you didn't know what they were but you didn't look away.

You didn't believe in ghosts but over the past few years its been a trend for things to be real even if you don't think they are. Your heart started to beat a little faster with each passing second. What if there was something behind you? Why were you taken here? What was the purpose of all this madness?

You looked around but there wasn't anything around you. When you looked back in the corner the thing had moved. You took a deep breath and tried as hard as you could to free yourself of the metal bonds on your wrists, to no avail. Your wrists ended up cut and sore, then you felt something vibrate in your back pocket.

Your phone! They had left your phone in your back pocket, it continued to vibrate. So it was ringing, you twisted and bent to get it into your hands and pressed the answer button.

"Hey Y/N" it was your cousin Jenny.

"Jenny! Hey, I'm in London and I'm not sure what's going on right now but-"

"Yeah I know, Matt told me that you were there scoping things out. Did you remember everything?"

"Yeah, but Jen I literally don't know where I am right now. How long has it been since I texted Matt?" You were worried that you had been there for a while, your stomach agreed, if you got out of this the first thing you'd do is get food.

"Uh... Hold on," there was murmuring and then Jenny was back on the phone, "about two days, why?"


"I said t-"

"I heard you but seriously, two days?!"

"Y/N you're breaking up, hold on I'll call you back later when I get good reception, okay?"

"No, Jenny don't!" She hung up and you were alone again, clutching your phone, you sunk to the ground. Hurting your wrists while doing so but you didn't like being alone or feeling lonely.

No one does but in your case it was worse.

"Brilliant!" You thought you heard someone speak and then you shook your head.

"Great now I'm hearing things."
Crash. Your head snapped to the direction of the noise and more thundering crashes and thumps. You struggled on the bonds, your heart beating at a very fast, steady pace as your wrists burned with pain that sent torturing agony up to your shoulders.

You heard someone running your way before you saw them. A man, with brown hair and a brown suit with light brown sneakers and a brown trench coat.

You looked behind him, there wasn't anything following him. You looked at him as he couched down, your breathing harsh and your wrists bleeding.

"Hello, what's your name?"

"Y/N L/N"

"Well Y/N, I'm The Doctor and I'm going to get you out of here, alright?" You stared at him, his eyes seemed old, teeming with sadness and loneliness, but he looked honest.

"Alright Doctor" you nodded, he went to your hand cuffs, pulling something out of his back pocket, it made a whirring noise as it worked and your cuffs were undone.

You both jumped up.

"Okay, now we run. Allons-y!" He started running and you followed, both pairs of feet thumping on the ground as you possibly were running for your life.

"How much farther?" You yelled.

"Just keep running!"

You heard more footsteps and made the mistake of looking behind you, there were four people dressed up as Santa running after you.

"Why are we running from Santa's?"

"They aren't 'Santa'!"

You both kept running until you found a blue box with the words 'Police Call Box' written on the top. The Doctor opened the door and pulled you inside before closing the door behind you.

Published: 16th November 2014

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