1- Off To London.

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[Table of *Insert Your Information*:

Y/N = Your Name

L/N = Your Last Name

F/C = Favorite Colour or Preferred Colour (depending on context for technical people)

H/C = Hair Colour (All of my fellow gingers, I will add a scene of The Doctor's jealousy if you want :} )

E/C = Eye Colour

Y/A =Accent, obvious reasons

That's about it.. I'll add more if I think of it, sorry for the length, but I need it for those new to X Reader books]

[Sorry to those who are British and live in England... For the purposes of the story please pretend you are in a different country like.... Scotland? *hides behind a couch* please don't break both my hearts]

[Your Point Of View]

You and your friend, Matthew, had been studying the Alien Attacks for a few years now, in between your Job and school (University or TAFE et cetera). The both of you had noticed that the attacks only happened around London, England and you had finally gotten enough money together to get a plane ticket to go and stay in London for a month. Hopefully enough time to see what was really going on, Matt didn't want to travel with you so both of you decided you will be his informant if anything exciting happens.

As you sat in your room full of books, stacks of paper and an unmade bed with your laptop sitting atop it, open with a text book beside it. You packed clothing and other essentials into a fairly small suitcase, packing light was always the first rule of travel. In a second bag, a backpack, you packed it with a pencil case, a small exercise book, your laptop, its charger, earphones, a mouse and some extra money, for the taxi ride when you would hop off of the plane.

* * *

It was a busy week up to the flight, making sure you had everything, including your phone and saying goodbye to your parents who always worried about you. On the day of the flight, a cloudy Friday, Matthew drove you to the airport and dropped you off. You both said your goodbyes with a short hug and you went on your way to check in your suitcase to the flight terminal and settle down before the plane would pick you up and cart you off to England.

* * *

As you stepped off of the plane you felt all of your nervous energy start to fade, instead you were starting to get excited! You were in England and you were going to find the source of all of these strange appearances of extraterrestrial beings.

Your happy streak only began to fade however, when you had gotten your luggage and went outside the airport, realizing that this was a whole new country where you knew no one and you were socially awkward most of the time.

You took put your map of London, that you had brought with you, and had marked where you were staying, where you would go each day, what you would investigate, your hotel wasn't actually that far away, you could walk and save your cash. So you did and as soon as you got to your room, you put your things down, locked the door behind you and flopped onto your bed.

The past week was stressful and your body was sore from the stress.
I'll just sleep for about half an hour.. You thought as you shut your eyes, it didn't take long, you were dead to the world.

* * * Dreamscape * * *

You were in the middle of London, investigating the attacks, no body would look at you twice. But you felt that you were being watched, you looked around but the only things 'looking' at you were statues and statues don't move. You walked around and found a newspaper stand, buying one you read the title. 'WOMAN MISSING CAR FOUND AT LONDON CEMETERY'. It was strange, no one ever went missing from a cemetery, it was unheard of but no one else seemed to notice the papers headline.
Then you felt something touch your shoulder.

* * * Don't Blink ;) * * *

You jolted up with a start, finding yourself on the floor beside your bed. You got up and looked around the room, everything was normal, well almost everything, out the window it was dark, you must have slept for a while. You as you stretched and rubbed your eyes you start to realize that you haven't eaten since the flight, your subconscious started to shout at you for food.

You sighed and went to your backpack, taking put your wallet, phone and grabbed the key to your room. You went out of the hotel and looked around for a supermarket or a fast food store, you found a supermarket and bought some bananas, because, bananas are good.

As you sat at a park bench eating one of your bananas, you heard a faint EERwWwoooooSHHHhEERwWwoooooSHHHh sound, that didn't seem normal.

You polished off your banana and threw the scraps in the bin, you listened for the noise and headed in its direction, until it stopped and you couldn't find the source.

You pulled out your phone, texting Matt, it must be around 3 am or some ungodly hour for him, but you did agree to update him when you found something.

To: Matt Defender of Computers
From: Y/N

Hey Matt, I was just hanging out, heard some strange noises. I'm trying to find the source. Text you later!

As you slipped your phone back into your pocket someone grabbed you from behind and put a strange smelling cloth over your mouth. In an attempt to stop from the impending darkness you held your breath.

It didn't work.

Published: 12th November 2014

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