6.75 - You Hit Me.

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Hello! I have a few things I would like to say. The first is a BIG thank you. 8.64K READS?! I know I haven't exactly looked at the number all that much since I started writing. But HOLY MACARONI! You guys, that's amazing! It warms both my sick little hearts, which is the second thing. I'm a bit sick (I have the Flu).. It's almost been a week with it now and I think it's safe to say that I hate being sick. Anyway, I would've uploaded sooner but, I have been sick. Oh! And who found the Easter egg in Chapter 4?

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Your eyes widened, a rush of relief spread over you like a tidal wave, but that relief shortly turned into anger, what if he had left you in a whole different time? It showed in your features as your eyebrows furrowed and you slapped him as hard as you could, the loud crack running through the quiet store as the momentum made the Doctor's body twist before recovering, he was holding his cheek that now had a red mark on it. He stared at you in disbelief, at that moment, his companion decided to grace you with her presence.
"You hit me." He sounded somewhat shocked and his companion looked at you, she had dark skin and wore her almost black hair down, it came just past the top of her shoulders.
"Of course I hit you! You could have left me in a whole other time! Not to mention the fact that I had to deal with limping around for several months after due to the stupid injury I obtained in the Australian colonies!" You exclaimed in an annoyed manner, he may have been very good looking, but that didn't excuse the fact that he left you, alone. You turned to his companion and looked her up and down, you weren't judgemental, she was probably another replacement for his wife, or girlfriend as far as you were aware, although, the assumption that he had a significant other was just that, an assumption.

Despite the fact that you were annoyed with the doctor, you decided it would be best to greet his companion like you would any other person.
"Hey, I'm Y/N." You held your hand out to her and offered a small, polite smile. She took your hand in hers for a firm handshake as she spoke.
"Martha Jones," you dropped you hand and she looked at the Doctor, "I'm afraid whatever you have going on here Doctor is going to have to wait. We can't spend a lot of time in here."
The Doctor nods and they head towards the exit, you watch for a long few seconds before you realised what was going on. Your H/C eyebrows raise and you take the collar of his dress shirt and suit coat in your grip before he gets to far away. Not a moment later, he makes a sound of discomfort and looks back at you.
"You're not leaving me behind again Doctor. I may not be one of those people who'll be useful or very smart, but I'm not a total loss either." As you spoke, your Y/A accent stood out clearly, and your E/C eyes stared into his detailed, chocolate brown ones. They were incredibly old, but also, incredibly young - if that made any sense at all - they were beautiful.
As soon as he nodded you let go, you weren't going to replace his wife, or partner or any significant other, even if that happened to be a man. You weren't sure if he bat for the other team. But you did know that you had no clue what you were doing that day.

"Fill me in on the way, we're we going?"

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On the way to where ever it was you were headed. You had been told, but with all of the information the Doctor had given you, and the fact that he went on about how he had gotten to this point in the first place, it was not a shock that you had forgotten. The simplest explanation was that the TARDIS had brought them to the 21st century, where you were currently, and there had been some rumours going around about a certain legend comming to life, which was where he was up to in his long explaination.
"You know, Legends are stories stringed with truth." Both Martha and the Doctor looked at you at this point, you had been walking in the middle of them, keeping quiet and listening. Although now it seemed like they thought you knew something that they didn't. You smile slightly, it amused you somewhat that the Doctor knew almost everything. "You guys need to watch more of the good Disney movies."
With that said, you finally remembered where you were going, so you started running, a grin starting to spread across your face.

This was going to be.. Epic.

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