6 - Years later.

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As you walked the London streets you sighed, it had been 6 years since you had met the doctor. In that time you had went talked to your friend Matthew about what you had seen and done, he said that he'd help you see the doctor again and that he'd keep the information a secret. 

In those six years, you had gotten a better job, you had finished the courses you had wanted to complete and were now 24 years of age. You were also back in London, although this time you had moved there. Matt was still back in [country] and you still had to inform him of anything that you saw, you had seen a spaceship labeled as the 'titanic' almost crash and you had also been around for a few other paranormal events.

Yet in all that time, you had looked for the doctor you knew that trouble followed him, it always seemed to but you had never seen him, you knew that somehow, he was there, probably with another companion of sorts. As long as they had made him happy.

He shouldn't travel alone. you thought to yourself, as you walked across a street in cheswick, a car beeped at you and you walked faster, knowing it was Donna Noble and her mother going somewhere from the shouting that was coming from the vehicle. Donna was a nicer person lately, like she had, had a change of heart, you respected her for he new attitude. You made you're way down the path, passing houses until you heard a fairly loud crash of a trash bin, you looked around, confused for a minute. 

Perhaps it was a stray cat? You had another look around, not finding anything out of the ordinary, and continued down the street, then you're phone rang. You reached into your back pocket and plled it out, answering the person on the other end.


"Y/N! Hey, I got some info on you-know-who. It's not much but I sent you an email with the links, Make sure you check it out, this could be our biggest find yet!" The person on the other end, Matthew, seemed very excited, it both worried and excited you. You were going to see the doctor again.

* * *

You had been so excited about the call, Matt had been especially resourceful. You ran down a few streets and jumped over a railing, your recent free running lessons coming in handy. He had told you that the doctor was with another woman, a girl named Martha Jones. You didn't question how he had found out, it wasn't that you wouldn't understand, you were quite capable, but you weren't one for wasting time.
You smiled as you found the place you were headed to, a small shop full of old, used books — one of your favourite places. You walked inside and breathed in deeply through your nose, closing your eyes as you embracembraced the feel of being in a place that felt as close to the TARDIS as you could get. As you opened your eyes and started to saunter down a book encrusted tunnel, you found many classic titles. Works by J.K Rowling, Stephen King, Kim Wilkins, Liam Tanner and quite a few others.
As a small smile found its way to your face and a hint of childish glee flowed through your body, you felt someone reacher for a book just over your head. You made a small sound, like a "hm" in question as you looked up and behind you, it surprised you to find a tall, thin man, with really, really great hair, kind of brown in colour, reaching to take the book that was above you. Until he turned his attention to you and the book slipped, hitting you in the head.
You touched your head but you were worried about the condition of the book more so, as if it were more important. You lifted it carefully in your soft hands and held it in between the two of you, creating a barrier of sorts in the somewhat close proximity.
When you laid eyes on him again, he was looking at you with slight concern, so serious as well, but his eyes were the spark of your intense curiosity. They looked impossibly old, ancient, but also young, like that of a young infant. You dropped your gaze to the floor, this familiar stranger made you feel slightly more self conscious than you usually were.
"I do believe this is yours, er...." You didn't have a name, but he supplied one for you.
"The Doctor," he gave you a smile, and even though you didn't see him smile, the name was enough to slap recognition right into your features, your (e/c) eyes snapped up to meet his deep brown ones.
"The.. Doctor?" He nodded and took the book in his hands.
"That's right, the Doctor, plain and simple."
You looked at him and was dumbstruck, you didn't know you would be able to find him once again. You could only nod, until he turned to leave and you reached out your hand, pulling on his suit sleeve but quickly letting go, you didnt know if it was really your place to interrupt anything he was doing, he probably wouldn't even remember you.


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