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You stood in the machine, your mouth slightly open as you looked around you. The floor was made out of metal, underneath were lots of wires and chords. There was a big station with buttons and levers, in the middle of it was a tall tube-like contraption.

"Woah..." The doctor stood at the center and smiled proudly at himself. You turned in a full circle before looking at him, "this is cool."

The Doctor nodded and turned to his machine, "she's called the TARDIS."

"Okay, well she's bigger on the inside. Why is that?" You walked up the ramp and stood near him. He pushed a few buttons and flicked some switches.

"Its a matter of perspective." He replied, not looking at you.

"Alright, well what does your TARDIS do exactly?"

"Time And Relative Dimensions In Space."


"Its a time machine."

"Oh, right."

"Y/N you might want to hold on to something." Just as he said this the TARDIS shook and you fell, grasping a nearby railing for support and smacking your side into a pole.

The Doctor however held onto the console in front of him as a familiar noise hit your ears EERwWwoooooSHHHhEERwWwoooooSHHHh.

When the shaking stopped and you were able to stand the doctor stood at his console and looked at you, you looked at him.

"You can go home now, if you want."

"What do you mean, 'if you want'?"

"Well, since you asked, I mean you can go home. Or you can come and travel all of time and space with me."


A) You go home- read below:

You shake your head, "that's very kind of you, and thank you for saving my life. I have to decline though, I have things here that I need to do. This is the biggest finding of Alien Tech I've had but I can't leave my family back in country/name."

The Doctor nods in understanding, "if that's what you want." He gestures to the door. "Just go out that door and you'll be in London."

"Thank you Doctor, for everything." You give him a small hug before leaving the TARDIS and going back to your hotel.

After that you go back to your normal life et cetera, et cetera. I don't think I have to explain that ANYWAY!

B) You decide to travel with the doctor- read below and continue with the story:

"Do you mean it?" Your Y/A accent sounding loud in the quiet TARDIS with only the hum of her to accompany the two of you.

"Do I look like the kind of person who would lie to you Y/N?"

"No." You shook your head.

"Well, Y/N L/N, do you want to see the stars with me?"

You weren't quite sure, you'd be leaving all of your friends and family behind, but there was a whole galaxy out there to explore. Who knows when you'd be back?

The doctor must have noticed the doubtful expression that painted its way across your features.

"The TARDIS is also a Time Machine, if that makes a difference."

You stared up at him, all doubt and worry gone. He grinned.

"Is that a yes?"

"Of course it is!" You smiled, the Doctor became very animated and enthusiastic all of a sudden.

"All of time and space, where do you want to go?"

"Surprise me," he nodded and started pushing dials and buttons, "but Doctor?"

"Yeah?" He glanced at you, then looked down again.

"Where ever you take me has to be brilliant." He smiled and pulled a lever, the TARDIS sprang to life and you held onto the console.


Okay, I uploaded yesterday, 16th of November 2014 and I will again today (the result of course for continuing this trend is short, under polished, chapters. Sorry). However, I will work harder to keep you guys entertained in the next few weeks. I only have one request; be patient, please. I am still in highschool and I really need to get resumes and things happening. Even though I'm busy I'll try to promise you guys a chapter once per week (this is over all of my books except Genealogy which is a 'major project' of sorts, meaning if you don't get a chapter here for two weeks I have probably updated my other books). Anyway, enjoy and there may be more decisions in future, meaning a two chapter upload which I know may confuse some of you but I am willing to explain if needed.

TARDIS, hugs and Time lords,


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