8. Butterfly Chases

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Recap: The Doctor, Martha Jones and Y/N have been working on a case that takes an unexpected turn as they are immersed in hallucinations which look to be resembling Fairy tales - many of which can be traced back to the Grimm Brothers.

Back to the Story...

You ran as fast as your legs would carry you feeling the strange burning like sensation on the soles of your feet as you pushed hard against the pavement. You were headed for your (F/C) bicycle it was at the bookstore, chained up — hopefully. It was the fastest, cheapest and most effective way to get to London. It was also the only non-public transportation you had. So, with that in mind, you ran on, your feet pounding with your (F/C) converse hitting the ground at a rate that made you feel as if you could almost tumble over if you tried to stop too quickly. Your (H/L), (H/C) hair feeling heavily windblown.

Your (H/C) eyebrows raised as you neared the bookstore, your (F/C) 18-speed bike was there, chained up to the bicycle rack. You huffed as you stumbled, coming to a rushed stop feeling the ache in your legs and old injury in your ankle as you unchained your bike and threw one leg over it to sit on the seat. It was then that you spared a thought for the Doctor and Martha Jones. They must've been experiencing a similar situation to those in London. But then, you thought about the fact that the Doctor wasn't actually human, he would be able to take care of Martha. He was a responsible adult. Right?

Sparing a prayerful thought for Martha Jones you peddled your bike and raced it down the road, narrowly missing an out of control car as you tried to keep up your speed, it wasn't very difficult as you rode everywhere, but with the adrenaline quickly starting to pump through your veins, it wasn't hard to believe that you made it to London in what felt like 20 minutes, but was really over half an hour.
You stopped on a corner, watching as London was in a panic, some people were running scared, others looked like they had seen ghosts, some sadly were in gruesome states, probably dead. You continued on, pushing the pedals on your bike to get a scan around the city. There were in fact, people running around causing chaos, one man ran after a cosplaying young teen with an axe, others were looting, or, more accurately, pirating. This was concerning as one man held a gun towards people, but you still couldn't find Matt. That was until you heard someone calling you.
"Y/N! Y/N!" They yelled as you turned your bike to look at them, it was Matt, in his black and white high tops, black skinny jeans and blue Sherlock Holmes t-shirt, it went well with his dark mop of short hair and deep blue eyes, but it still didn't make his 6ft 2inch stature any smaller.
"Matt! Hey! You're not hurt or anything, are you?" You inquire, getting off of your bike, leaning it against a nearby post. Matt shakes his head and more or less jogs the distance between you.
"No, I'm f.... What happened to your eyes?" He looked confused and concerned, and you mirrored his expression in only the former, your eyes? They were normal this morning. You blinked twice.
"What's wrong with my eyes?"
"They're so bloodshot.. There's, like... No white in them at all. Does it hurt?" You shake your head, and for half a second you feel like you hear a faint whispering. Quickly dismissing it you take your bike and climb on it, holding a hand out to him.
"Tell me where we're going, you're getting off the subject at hand, also, fill me in, please."
He nods, taking your hand and seating himself in the back seat area over the back wheel of your bike, to which you push off.

* * *

Half an hour later, you make it to the small apartment Matt was renting, telling you that he needed to show you something. Your bike was dumped outside the front door, he took your hand as you ran into the apartment, he logged into the computer once it turned on, there were many articles open, and lots of them in the piles of paper around them.
"Matt, what the hell is all this? Do you ever clean up?" You asked, your E/C eyes widened as you looked at him. He ignored your unwanted questions.
"Everyone out there is going crazy, except you, but, if you think about it throughout history many people have been recorded having hallucinations and a different perception of the world around them."

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