9 - Matthew

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Kicking and struggling under the iron grip of the man you had thought was your friend, he kept his hand over your mouth. You had tried to bite in his flesh some time ago but he had had readjusted his grip and kept dragging you along.
Your earlier attempt at calling out to the doctor had failed, and in all honestly you slightly regretted it, Matthew had kicked in the side of your knee, and although you felt as though it weren't broken, you couldn't really be sure. It hurt like hell.
Of course, all of this had left you exhausted. Some time after your captor had taken you, you found yourself in a sort of green house with irritating florescent lights that blinked with the buzz of electricity. You were strapped into a chair and quite frankly, it wasn't the fact of being strapped to a chair that was worrying you, it was the increasingly aggravating itch located on the side of your nose.

It held part of your attention for a good minute or two before your captor traipsed into the new environment. He looked slightly amused, perhaps it was due to your shifting in the chair.
"You won't be escaping any time soon." He smirked, walking behind you.
"Wasn't exactly planning on it." Not now anyway your mind quipped, you thought he was your friend, guess that was too good to be true. He may have gotten you into this mess, but perhaps you could get yourself out. He took a few steps into your field of view once again, his eyebrows furrowed before his gaze snapped towards you. Hands on the sides of the back of the chair, he spoke low and annoyed.
"Then just what do you think you're doing?"
"I've got an itch on my nose, it's really annoying - and I've gotta say, I really gotta pee." You were hoping that perhaps you could talk you're way out of this situation, and judging by the perplexed look upon Matthew's face, you had confused him somewhat.
"You've..." he sighed and pulled himself upright, "hold it." He said and proceeded to tend to his plants.
"What, no big story on how you came to this stage of existence Matt?" He ignored you, but it gave you a chance to look around a bit, you didn't recognise any of the plants. Not that the information would help, a greenhouse could be anywhere. Not that you had anyone looking for you. Right?


Martha Jones followed the Doctor back to the TARDIS. She wore the same look of concern upon her face as the doctor, if not for a different reason to him. With his superior hearing, he had heard you yell out his name, or at least, that was what she was told, along with a lot of science babble about DNA tracking and how he didn't have the 'hearts' to leave you in trouble. Not after last time.

So she followed him, she wasn't going to go home when there was someone out there who needed help, and to be honest, she was a little curious - what was your relation with the doctor? She knew you were fairly tough and weren't exactly the most conventional, arguing with the time-lord like you were an old married couple, so it was reasonable to assume that he had a fondness for you that extended pass that in which he expressed towards her. She just hoped they'd find you - in this madness, who knows what happened?
All Martha currently had the capacity to comprehend was that the Doctor had very lamely realised that he didn't possess anything of yours that he could pull your DNA off of. Nor could they go back in time as it would cause stress to the timeline that could potentially damage it.
She could see that the doctor was stressed, talking to himself, which wasn't a good look on him. She decided to interrupt.
"Doctor, she could have just run off. Perhaps decide this isn't for her." The Doctor looked at her as though what she was saying were proposterous, running his fingers through his hair.
"No, something's wrong, Y/N wouldn't just up and leave - you saw how eager she was to help us." He shakes his head and walks towards the doors of the TARDIS.
Martha followed him, confusion falling over her mind, he was right after all, you seemed very invested, the question that you just up and left was incredibly stupid. She knew you were smart and had excellent deductive skills from what she had seen. Not to mention you could definitely take care of yourself.
So, just where had you ended up?


You used the sharp edge of the ring on your right ring finger to cut into the rope binding your hands and wrists behind you careful not to move a super noticeable amount as Matt inspected his plants, looking at his watch every so often. You watched his movements, eyebrows furrowed. He had a tattoo on his forearm, but it was a strange type of tattoo, lots of circles and lines. It was especially big, but it kind of reminded you of clockwork with how intricate it was. But it also seemed very familiar, you couldn't place it.
"You're really not gonna tell me your genius plan? I thought we were pals Matt." As he looked at you, you grinned.
"You're incredibly stupid, Y/N." he stated, "and you're not of any relevance."
"Then why am I here? Can't you at least tell me that?" You said, raising an eyebrow.
Matthew looked at you, his arms folding. His eyes grazed your body, he positioned himself against one of the many tables housing his plants.
"You're here because I need you to get to the Doctor." He stated, you're eyes widening as you attempted to cut at the rest of the rope binding your hands.
"Why? It's not like he's done anything to you!" You leaned forward somewhat, the Doctor could possibly fall for a ploy like this, could he?
Maybe he had left to travel the universe again, that would be better than whatever this trap was.
"Not to me, no," he shook his head, "there's someone out there however, that would just love to get their hands on him."
"I won't let you." You grit your teeth, glaring at him. "I won't let you hurt him."
"You're even more idiotic that I thought." He said as he looked at his watch again.

"I'm not an idiot." You looked at his tattoo again, on the inside of his arm, you were sure you had seen the pattern somewhere before.

"Oh, no, of course not. You're very smart, for a neanderthal." His tone was condescending, standing from the table and walking towards the exit.
"When I get out of here, you're going to be sorry!" You shouted after him, working the ropes harder to get through them.
You didn't want to give him any chance at getting to the Doctor, Martha or even the T.A.R.D.I.S.


Hello there,

I have gotten many, many, many, comments about when an update will arrive, if I'm ever going to update this story and really I just don't know... To tell you the truth, I have kind of shied away from the Doctor Who fandom in favour for studying and spending time on my school work. It's 2018 and I feel like I have nothing to show for it just yet. I want to come back to this story, believe me, I do. I just don't remember where I was going with the scenes I have or how they would work given the fact that I have really forgotten the character I have made for the doctor, Reader, and all of the minor characters.

I must apologise from every crevice of my heart because I feel as though this writing is not to the best of my current ability and should I come back to this story it would require a full rewrite AND would not be updated until after I finish High School (for good) this November.

Please let me know If you'd be interested in a rewrite and continuation of this story.

- T.R.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2018 ⏰

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