Chapter 7

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Cloverleap awoke from her short nap, the sun was peaking its way through the tall oak trees, the grass was wet and moist underneath Cloverleaps paws, the gray and white she-cat stood in her laying postion and taking in the environment.

Stretching, Cloverleap sat up and started to groom her fur, when she was done, Cloverleap looked ahead of the forest and then looked back at the path that lead to TideClan's camp, but, she started to walk ahead of the forest and began her saerch for her true home...

The Twolegplace. Cloverleap realized that she hadn't eaten anything ever since last morning, so, she started to look around for prey but quickly brushed her hunger off, when she finds The Twolegplace, she'll eat the food there. As Cloverleap wondered through the forest, she started to daydream about making friends with other Kittypets, exploring her house, sleeping in softer beds and maybe even meeting her real father, she had met her mom but died, but now, Cloverleap started to get excited.

But also, Cloverleap started to think if this was a mistake, the warrior code did say that a warrior rejects the soft life of a kittypet and she is being a discarce to StarClan and TideClan, Cloverleap didn't want to eorry now, she just wanted to enjoy the forest, then she realized, Cloverleap is gonna miss being in the forest and running free. The grey and white she-cat didn't want overthink and she just carried on walking through the Flat Forest.

After a couple long minutes, Cloverleap began to smell the sence of Twolegs and Kittypets, "I'm almost home! " Cloverleap thought with excitement, right away, Cloverleap sprinted to the sence and started to think about her new home. As the grey and white she-cat found The Twolegplace, she saw a row of buildings with wooden and brick fences, Cloverleap made her way to the buildings and staright away, she noticed a black-and-white Kittypet with a sky bkue collar and shiny sliver bell hangging in the collar.

"Exuse me..?" Cloverleap asked softly, the black-and-white cat's ears perked up and its eyes narrowed to the white and grey she-cat, "and who might you be?" The Kittypet questioned.

Since Cloverleap was wild, she tried not to act like a threat, so she sat down and introduced herself, "I'm Cloverleap, I come from TideClan, if you've heard of it." The Kittypet's head titled in curiosity and it leaped down from the wooden fence it was sitting on, "TideClan? You mean that Clan of cats that kidnapped unsuspecting house cats?!" The black-and-white cat exclaimed. Cloverleap was confused, she'd necer heard of that rumor in TideClan.

"No?" Cloverleap replied, "but, I'm not entirely from TideClan, you see, I used to be a Kittypet and..." Cloverleap continued but the Kittypet interrupted her, "lies! Lies! Lies!" The black-and-white cat hissed. Cloverleap backed up from the Kittypet and she saw its claws were unsheathed. "Woah woah! Hey calm down, i'm just here to-" The white and gray she-cat tried to explain but the Kittypet pounced on her and almost clawed her ear, Cloverleap used her back legs to kick the feirce Kittypet off and she hissed back at the cat.

"We don't welcome wild cats here!" The Kittypet snapped, Cloverleap tried to explain to the Kittypet but it leaped at her again and peirced her ear, Cloverleap was shocked of how much fighting experience this Kittypet had, but she didn't have time to think as she sprinted towards the black-and-white cat and sunk her teeth in the front leg of the Kittypet.

The Kittypet yowled in pain and limbed back to his home while also hissing at Cloverleap, "you may have won, but your not gonna steal our kits!"

Cloverleap stood in shock at the Kittypets words, "we never did that, did we?"

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