ch ;; 2

469 15 4

cw ;; guns, death

it had been 2 months since ciara was transferred to california, and already she was climbing through the titles. she was working under don and his team right now. don had taken charlie under his wing as well, using his brilliant math skills the workforce had solved over 10 crimes in the last two months.

''ciara! where do you want this put?'' don called out to her, looking at a big box full of her wall hangings. ''oh, uh, just put those on the floor there, I'll fix them later.'' she answered.

after all this time, ciara had not one moment to unpack all her boxes in her house. and, since it was an off day for don and his crew, since the only available evidence was being examined, charlie and don had been so kind as to offer their help to the young girl.

''I found the clothes!!'' charlie shouted out from the other room. ''bring them in here!'' tripping over all the other unopened boxes, Charlie somehow managed to make his way to the bedroom. placing the box on the floor near the door, he looks down at ciara, who was (trying) to assemble the dresser.

the papers and instructions all sprawled out around her while she sat cross legged in the middle of all of the pieces. she read through the instructions for what seemed to be the 400th time before groaning and throwing the sheets away from her.

''are... do you need help?'' charlie asked gently, trying not to laugh at her struggle. she deeply sighed, looking up to the man with a half angered half annoyed face. ''if you don't mind.'' charlie sat down on the ground next to her, picking up the instructions on the ground and reading them quickly, before slowly turning his gaze to the woman who was leaning over his arm trying to read them again as well.

she looked up at charlie, realizing what she was doing. she quickly moved back and apologized. ''you know, you gave up trying to read these.'' he teased. ''I know, I know!'' she threw her hands up in defeat, standing up and moving to go see what don was doing.

''don, what are--'' walking into the kitchen, she noticed that alan had also come over. ''oh! hello, alan. I didn't expect you here.'' she said, laughing lightly. ''don invited me over, said you needed help setting up some furniture.'' he explained.

''oh! no, no, i'm perfectly fine, you don't have to put yourself out just for that!'' she said, shaking her head. ''ciara,'' don walked in, ''I don't mean to, uh, hate on your reasoning, but charlie is in there with a shelf half put together, in less than half the time you spent staring at the instructions. you need the extra help.''

the girl sighed, glaring up at the man. ''it is not my fault instruction sheets are impossible to read!'' she shouted jokingly. charlie popped his head into the room. ''do you have any, uh, do you have a hammer?'' he asked.

''charlie, so help me, you do not need a hammer. it is supposed to be an easy, hammer-less assembly.'' ciara said, pinching the bridge of her nose. ''and this is coming from the one who gave up.'' don coughed out. ''don!'' alan smacked his son on the chest, signalling him to shut up. ''he is right though.''

ignoring all the men and their words, she turns to alan, charlie leaving and going off to do his thing once again. ''if you're sure about helping, my TV stand needs to be set up in the living room, and don, can you help me move in the refrigerator?'' ciara questioned. suddenly, a big bang was heard, followed by an ''oops''.  ''I'll get the fridge, you go figure out what Charlie is doing to your poor dresser.''

love equations -- charlie eppes x reader - numb3rsWhere stories live. Discover now