ch ;; seventeen

241 8 4

first person pov ;; ciara's pov


i sighed, hitting the 'end call' button and shoving my phone into my pocket. david had just called me, briefing me on our latest case. an assumed assassination attempt on a columbian exile. i quickly haul my shoes and coat on, getting in my car, and drive to the agency.

''oh, charlie, you're here before me, that's.. different.'' i said, walking into don's office where everyone was gathered into. ''yeah, i- i came here with don, so uh..'' he trailed off, not looking up from his papers. ''what're you doing? is that your own stuff or something for the case?'' i asked, sitting next to him and glancing at the papers he had in front of him.

charlie, before he gets a chance to answer me, quickly shoots up out of his chair and walks over to his brother. ''damn, alright.'' i laughed slightly, turning to megan and colby. ''don, this is the plans for an assassination.'' i overhear charlie say. ''assassination?! on who?!'' i asked, shocked.

''okay, okay, wait. the man we got these plans off of.. he.. ugh. megan, what does this all even tell you about a grown man who lives with his mom.'' don asked, turning to megan. ''probably the same thing it tells me about two grown men still moochin' off meals at their dads house three nights a week.'' she answered sarcastically. i suppressed a laugh at her comment. ''oh, haha very funny.'' don said, rolling his eyes.

 ''i'll go in, talk to the man. try and get some answers outta him.'' i said, pushing myself out of my chair. charlie quickly walked over to me, placing both hands on my shoulders. ''be careful, we haven't figured out this man's exact plan yet, so just.. be cautious with what you do and say.'' he said softly. i nodded, agreeing. charlie smiled at me, pushing a bit of my hair out of my face and gently cupping his hand at my chin before walking away from me.

i clear my throat before pushing open the door, sinclair close on my tail. ''david?'' i asked, turning around to see him. ''don sent me to go with you.'' he said, slowly. '' 'course he did.'' i said, rolling my eyes. ''uh, henry, right?'' i asked, looking at the man who was sat to the table.

he nodded, annoyed. ''uh, we need.. we found your notes, as you know. i mean, you're here right now,'' i nervously laughed. ''but, we need more answers. our consultant, professor eppes, found the codes, connections, and patterns in the notebook.. do you know what any of that is about?''


''you know, even if i wanted to, i couldn't go back.'' the young boy explained to charlie and i. ''no?'' i asked, glancing over to him. ''no. with the death and murder of my family, i mean.. i was exiled from the country.'' he explained. ''exiled for what, exactly?'' charlie asked. ''being my father's son.'' he said, simply.

''it doesn't really matter, though. i have no intentions of going back.'' he admitted. ''why not? also, what exactly happened to your father and brother?'' i asked, walking a bit faster to keep pace. ''isn't it obvious, agent matthews? the columbian government is corrupted by the cartels.. and they murder anyone who'd dare go against them.'' he admitted like it was nothing. charlie and i exchanged glances.

''what about... i mean, you never thought about getting revenge?'' i asked. ''i was just 21 when they got murdered. i mean, my mother died when i was young, and we had no money. and any friends of the family god scared and hid.''

love equations -- charlie eppes x reader - numb3rsWhere stories live. Discover now