ch ;; three

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after getting the okay from the nurse at the infirmary, charlie and ciara had headed off to find don. sinclair, however, is the one they bumped into first. ''ciara! glad to see you're walking on your own again. good news and bad news, what one do you want first?'' david asked, rushing a little bit.

''uhh, the good news?'' she requested, obviously confused. charlie glanced between the two of them before silently excusing himself to go find his older brother. ''don caught the bank robbers last night, and now they're arrested, waiting for their court date.'' he smiled, proud of his co worker. ''thats great! i felt really bad after yesterday, interfering with the case..'' ciara trailed off.

''agent matthews, you know yours, and the whole teams, well being is going to be more important to don than the case will be.'' david joked lightly. ''you know what, you're right, you're right.'' she patted his shoulder lightly, about to walk away, before she turned on her heel. ''the bad news?''

sinclair's smile dropped. 'there's another case. illnesses are being recorded all throughout the country. no one knows what, or who, is causing it, nor where it started.'' he briefed. ciara scoffed lightly, rolling her eyes before replying. ''how many cases recorded so far?''

terry walked in, inviting herself into their conversation. ''we've got about 30 suspected cases in the L.A. area, with 6 deaths so far. it's not anthrax, it's not smallpox. probably a pathogen, but we haven't ruled out toxins. cdc's doing autopsies now, but until we can get something definitive, we're keeping the infected under quarantine.''  she ranted. ciara nodded, taking in all the information she just recieved.

''we'll need to do a vector analysis, to predict the spread of the illness, and to keep track of the time and space between the people getting sick.'' ciara commanded, walking to find don, her original plan.

she finally found don, though charlie was no where to be seen. don, however, seemed to be in an argument with one of the other people working on this case. ''the levels of this case requires precise mathematical conclusions, we hired someone to come help with them.'' the man explained.

''actually, we work with a top math consultant, i'll call him on the case.'' don said, obviously referencing his brother. ''agent eppes, you know this is classified as a national security level, i'd love to have him on, but-- oh, here he is now.''

the doctor turned towards the man walking up to the three of us, a man i recognized all too well. ''this is professor charles eppes, he will be doing the vector analysis.'' charlie looks between don and i.

''don, ciara..'' he started nervously. ''charlie.'' ciara said shortly. ''i didn't think you two would be working this case..'' he admits sheepishly don turns back to the man that he was previously arguing. '' i don't get it, you said we needed someone with top clearance?'' he accused. ''dr eppes has clearance.''

''he does? you do?'' don turns frantically between his brother and the one in front of him. ''is there a problem?'' charlie asked don, slightly shifting his weight to the other foot. ''you just- never told me.'' don said lightly. ''i wasn't supposed to..'' charlie whispered.

''no, charlie is my brother, and- and he's the consultant I was just telling you about. I didn't realize...'' don started explaining himself before sinclair popped his head in. ''here's the mother of the dead boy, her symptoms are starting as well.''

love equations -- charlie eppes x reader - numb3rsWhere stories live. Discover now