ch ;; nineteen

211 8 2

this was written on my phone I'm so sorry for the weird formatting ;;

-- episode-less chapter fr

Ciara's pov ;;

I groan, throwing down the grocery bags onto the floor. ''I hate shopping for food oh my god.'' I complain aloud, hauling a bag onto the kitchen table.

after taking all the stuff out of the bags, I stare at all the groceries laying on the table. I shake my head, sighing. ''I'll put them away later..''

I wall into the living room, sitting down and pulling my phone out, calling terry.

''hello?'' her voices rings through the phone after maybe three seconds. ''hey terry! its ciara, uh, are you busy at all today?'' I asked, standing up and pacing the living room

''no, I don't believe so, why?'' she asked. ''is something wrong?'' she asked, concerned. ''no, no! nothing's wrong. we just haven't hung out since you've moved!'' I said, smilingly.

''ah, true. I miss you! should I come there, you come here, or meet in the middle?'' (note we are gona completely ignore they are in different states rn ummm)

''hmm, I'll come over to you, you can show me around or something.'' I offered. after a few more moments, I hang up on terry and quickly call don.

''eppes,'' don answered the phone. the noises from the outside were easily heard. ''hey, donny. I'm going to hang out with terry today, so I don't think I'll be able to make it if a case comes up. is that alright?'' I asked.

''yeah, of course. you haven't taken a break since you've got here. take the day off, we'll all be fine. plus, if we need anything statistics wise, either charlie will get it, or we can jus call you.'' don explained.

''alright, thanks don.'' I smiled, hanging up the phone. I quickly run upstairs, grabbing a bag and packing a few things into it to take to Terry's, before locking my door and getting into my car.


''TERRY!!'' I yelled, seeing my friend. ''ciara, hi!'' she called back. I ran up to her, hugging her. ''how are you?!'' I asked.

''ah, good, good. the marriage thing is very weird, but you know what I'm enjoying it... I wish I didn't have to leave the agency and everyone there, but I really like the new work place too.'' terry smiled. ''how about you?''

''i'm uh... a lot has happened. a lot of cases solved, david and I have gotten closer. there is two new agents, megan, who you know, and colby. I didn't really like colby at first, but I've warmed up to him.'' I smiled.

''what about charlie?'' she pushed, smiling. ''uh.. he's. we've been on a date already, and we've.. yknow, kissed a few times..'' I explained, my face flushing lightly. ''so are you two a thing?'' she asked. I shook my head.

''no, uh.. we had that conversation lately though. and he's told me he loves me already, heat of the moment type of thing, uhh.. we're figuring it out.'' I smiled. ''we're supposed to go on another date tomorrow night, actually.'' I said, checking the date on my phone.

''call me after, oh my god!'' she exclaimed, pushing lightly on my shoulder. I smiled, nodding.

-- -- -- with the agency

charlie's pov.


''so, Charles. how is it going with ciara lately? I mean, a few weeks ago things looked pretty good.'' larry said, recalling when he walked in on her and I kissing.

love equations -- charlie eppes x reader - numb3rsWhere stories live. Discover now