ch ;; 20 / finale </3

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ciara's pov::

charlie's words rang through my head as i quickly hauled back and stared at him, wide eyed. charlie quickly pulled back as well, stammering,  ''or not! it's okay if not, just forget i said anything-- i- i'm so sorry!'' he panicked

''charlie! i- yeah. of course, i'd love to go out with you. i was going to ask you soon.'' i laughed, smiling. charlie released a relieved sigh, smiling up at me. ''you've got a hold on me,'' he jokes. ''snake charmer, saint motel, i got it. we quoting songs now?'' i tease.

''you're irresistible.''


making our way back to charlie's house, after the fireworks ended, we step in to be greeting with don and alan. i release charlie's hand, letting my own fall back to my side, smiling lightly. ''hello, you two.'' alan greets. ''hey, alan.''  i smile at the older man, nodding my head.

''so, how was your guys' night?'' don asked, looking between his brother and i. ''pretty good, yeah, uh.. fireworks are very pretty.'' i answered, glancing at charlie. ''we're dating,'' charlie said quietly. ''yeah.''

''I KNEW IT,'' don shouted. alan groaned, hauling a 20 out of his wallet. ''you guys were betting on this?'' charlie asked, raising his eyebrow. ''i mean, come on. it was bound to happen.'' alan said, throwing the 20 at his oldest son. i laughed slightly. ''its nice to know we have your guys' approval then.'' i joked.

alan got up, shaking my hand firmly with a joking smile. ''i grant you permission to date my son.'' i raised my hand to my heart, gasping. ''why, thank you, kind sir! i promise i'll have him home by 10.'' i played along. ''9:30 and we got a deal.''

everyone burst out laughing as alan and i stepped away from each other. i sat over next to charlie. ''we should call the team here, oh my gosh. we can like have a party or something.'' i said to don. ''i'll call colby and megan,'' he said, already standing up. ''i'll call david!'' i said, pulling out my own phone. ''charlie, you should call larry!'' everyone phoned their respectives, and in 20 minutes or less, everyone was at the house.

after we made our announcement of charlie and i's dating to the crew, they all started handing out cash to eahc other. ''you've got to be kidding me.'' i said, rolling my eyes and smiling. ''wait, who asked who?'' david asked, prepping himself to grab a five. ''charlie asked,'' i answered, suspicious. ''DAMN IT!'' megan exclaimed. ''i was sure you were gonna ask!'' she explained.


after everyone had settled down for a bit, we all sat in the living room, watching a movie. charlie was laid on the couch, and i was sat on the floor, my head leaned back so it was resting on his side. i reached up my hand over my shoulder, grabbing his hand. he ran his fingers over my knuckles and i smiled, craning my head so that i could look at him.

he leaned down, kissing me shortly before pulling back and smiling. ''so glad i can do that now, whenever, and it will be normal.'' he smiled at me. i smiled, nodding. ''yeah, it's, uh, pretty graeat.''

''we should talk about kids--'' charlie said. ''this early?!'' i said, cocking an eyebrow at him. ''charlie, i don't-- i don't think i want kids, you know with this line of work it wouldn't be safe and i don't want to put anyone i love in danger, you know?'' i rushed out, hoping he would understand. charlie nodded, ''thats what i was going to say, i never really wanted children anyway..'' charlie smiled at me, calming my nerves a bit.

''what a conversation topic for your first day of dating.'' david said sarcastically. ''shut!'' i said, punching at his shoulder where he was sat right next to me. ''love you, kid.'' he joked. ''love you too, dave, but goddamn.'' i said.

after we finished the show we were all watching, everyone slowly got up to leave, charlie and i remaining where we were. once the living room was cleared out, charlie turned to me. ''i love you.'' he said sincerely.

''i love you, and i am so glad that i get to tell you that everyday, and kiss you everyday, and just-- go on little dates, and force you to listen to my math rambles.'' he said, his tone going from serious to joking near the end. we both know he already does the math part.

''charlie, i love you too, and i am also very glad that we're official now. i think your dad is happy too, i mean you didn't need to let him know through, uh, 'note on the refrigerator'.'' i said in air quotes, thinking back to the day we first met a year ago. charlie laughed, nodding.

''yeah, i feel like the old man is finally at ease now. he just gotta get don a girl.'' charlie said. ''that probably wont be hard, i mean, don is don. he seems like he would flirt with a house plant if given the chance.'' i joke.

charlie smiled, leaning down and kissing me. we pulled away after about 5 seconds, charlie brushing the hair out of my face and resting his forehead on mine.

''i don't really think this can tie into my field of work... you know, with my math and equations and stuff..'' charlie said, looking into my eyes. ''why not?'' i asked, confused.

''there is no set love equations. it just happens.''



yall i know this is probably like a really half assed ending, i really like it though. ive lost interest in numb3rs and i dont wanna give you guys boring chapters, so i think im going to end it here!

ive had so much fun writing this book, and its reached ~1.3k reads and around 75 votes and that is absoliutely insane to me. when i first started this i fully expected it to just be a small thing i did for myself since i was so in love with the series haha. but you all stuck with me through this whole project, and i think this is the best thing i could've asked for on this site.

i may start a new book soon, and i may not. im not sure. im getting into the tv show lucifer, so if that is something you would like to see a fanfic for, then id be happy to supply it!! im only starting the show recently, so itd take maybe a month before i started writing it, but i would be so down!!

but, all in all, thank you guys so so so much for sticking with my crazy idea of this book, i love you all so much and this is one of the best things to happen with my time on this site

<3 i love you


love equations -- charlie eppes x reader - numb3rsWhere stories live. Discover now