ch ;; eleven

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''so, when that all happened, my sister she, like, did not want to be at the restaurant anymore, but she was sat in between my brother and dad and they wouldn't let her out of the booth.'' ciara explained, laughing. david, ciara, charlie, don, and terry were all hanging out in ciara's living room, taking a needed break from their job.

''wait, wait, wait, you're telling me your dad called out to the waiter just to tell her that your sister called her hot?'' david asked. ciara nodded, rubbing her eye. ''i mean, my sister wasn't wrong but like it was so out of pocket given what we were talking about at the time. not to mention we were probably only 14 or 15.'' she laughed

''ooh, did i mention to you guys that i got an offer at a different, uh, different agency?'' ciara said after a second of silence. ''really?'' charlie's head snapped up at that. ciara nodded. ''are you going to take it?'' don asked, looking over at the girl.

''i- i'm not sure. they don't need an answer for another two weeks, but i mean.. it is a good offer, but i really love it here.'' ciara said, weighing out her options. ''i mean, i'm practically at don's level at our agency here, but..'' she stopped for a second, thinking. ''but..?''

''the agency that's offering me a place is closer to home.. i'd be able to see my siblings and mom more often than i do here, you know? usually i can only visit them sundays, and most of the time then, like, i'm doing my own stuff because of work taking up so much time.'' ciara admitted.

''i don't think i've seen them more than 5 times since i got my job here, like, half a year ago.'' she sighed. terry, who was sat next to ciara, put a hand on her shoulder. ''it is up to you if you accept it or not, but i hope you know how much help you've given us since you've worked here, cia. seriously.'' terry comforts.

''i, i know. i'm more than likely going to stay here, but it would be nice being closer to home..''


''don, give david the money! you landed on his hotel!'' ciara shouted. ''no!! he's in jail! i'm not about to give money to a criminal!!!'' don exclaimed. ''that isn't hOW YOU PLAY!'' david yelled back at don. charlie shook his head, taking the money out of don's pile and throwing it to david. ''charlie you didn't even count that, how do you know you didn't give him too much?!'' don said, standing up from his seat.

''what is going on in here?!'' a new voice rung out among the racket. ''alan!'' ciara jumped out of her spot, nearly tripping over charlie's legs, to go greet the man. ''monopoly. please, take my spot. i can not do this anymore.'' ciara begged, grabbing alan's arms, half jokingly.  ''wh-- i mean, what harm can.. 4? 5? people playing monopoly do?'' alan asked.

''you are going to regret that the second you sit down..'' ciara said, turning sharply and sitting on the couch behind charlie. ''wait, ciara, what piece am i taking over for?'' alan asked, looking over at her. ''the dog.'' she smiled.

after an hour of alan being there, another knock on the door rung out through the house. ''would that be larry, char?'' she asked, rolling off couch and onto her knees on the floor, quickly standing up from there. ''it may be, i don't-- i'm not sure.'' ciara furrowed her eyebrows, not knowing who was at her door, if it wasn't larry.

love equations -- charlie eppes x reader - numb3rsWhere stories live. Discover now