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ciara's pov/first person

with terry gone to washington, trying to give her marriage a chance once more, there were the additives of two new officers into the fbi. colby granger and megan reeves. i do enjoy working with them, however, colby has, so far, had some strange techniques in getting the criminals to admit to their own crimes.

like, last week for example. colby and david had gone off to solve a case of a lawyer's wife being shot. colby, however, went with the most unprofessional approach i have ever seen in my life. trying to arrest them right off the bat, then being surprised when they tried to fight back? i don't know how he could be that stupid?

don, however, is telling both david and i that, ''oh, you two were the new guys last year, give him a chance.'' and, as much as i wanted to argue with him, i was hauled away by colby with more intel on the case.

now, i sit in my office with david, jokingly arguing over which method of crime solving is more effective. don barges in, immediately briefing us on our newest case.  ''all right, listen up, everybody,'' he started, causing david and i to look away from each other and up to don. ''this is diane rausch, the store owner's wife, and their eight-year-old daughter, julia.'' don explained, pointing at the small picture he was holding.

''now, we're going to play this as a kidnapping, first and foremost. the robbery is secondary. it's just a means to get to the kidnappers. we clear on that?'' don asked, receiving nods from everyone. don walked over to david and i. ''david, ciara, how we doing on the jane doe?'' he asked, hauling over a chair. ''fingerprints weren't in the system. coroner's checking dental records, any kind of medical clue to identify her.'' david explained.

''and the car, we got anything with that? i mean, we find that, we find out who the woman is.'' don said, redirecting his attention to me. ''no. agents canvassed the neighborhood near the store. they didn't find a car to go with her keys.'' i tell don. he groans, dropping his head a little. colby and megan walk over to us, joining in on the conversation. ''we should be looking into other ways that she might have gotten there. bus, car, bicycle...'' don listed, nodding at the two who just walked in.

''she was probably driven by an accomplice. statistically, women rarely commit a crime alone.'' megan reasoned.  ''blame the men, huh, megan?'' colby asked, sarcasm dripping from his voice. i suppress from rolling my eyes as colby makes his opinion known. ''the stats blame the men, granger. she's just quoting them.'' i defend my friend. after terry left, that made me the only girl in the main part of the fbi. when megan joined, she and i became really close very fast.

''come on. let's just find this woman. it's our only way we're gonna save this kid and her mother. all right? any questions?'' don asked. upon getting no response, he nodded his head. ''let's do it. after what happened, we have to be worried about their chances. let's just assume they're alive, and then their chances are better, right?''


''don.'' charlie walked over to his brother, holding a folder. ''hey, charlie. what are you doing here?'' don asked, furrowing his eyebrows at his younger brother. david and i trailed a little ways behind the two of them, since don was still talking to them about the case. ''i'm dropping this off for you, man.'' charlie explained, tilting his head a little bit. ''you are? what is it?''

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