ch ;; 12

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if you cant tell the filler chapters are currently substituting for the episodes that i did not enjoy that much (like 4 and 11). but its okay. also, we're almost done with season 1!! i started watching season two on sunday, so the chapters should be flowing more regularly now.


''how long it take to pass by?'' don asked the man standing in front of him. the fbi were currently investigating a case of... something flying in the air. no one was quite sure what it was, yet. ''uhh, five, ten seconds, maybe? not very fast...'' he explained.  ''how high you think it was?'' ciara questioned.

''few hundred feet.'' he said simply. ''yeah? what did it look like?'' don asked, trying to get more answers out of this guy. ''dark, lights all around. I have a video. my wife shot it.'' he said blankly ''you have a video?'' don asked, holding back a scoff due to how long it took to get to this point. ''it's not great.''

''we still need to see it.'' ciara said, folding her arms across her chest. ''sure. we'll get it back to you.'' after leaving the witness's house, don and ciara made their way back to the agency, talking along the way.

''man, I was hoping it was some idiot in a cessna getting his pilot's license, you know?'' don asked, throwing his arms up.

''altitude, speed, path toward downtown. could have been the practice run for a terror strike. test your responses?'' charlie said, looking up at the video that the witness provided.  ''all right, wait... just freeze it. yeah, he was right. it's not great.'' don said, leaning back into his chair.  ''uh-uh. i don't know...''

''agent eppes?'' a new voice rung out through the office. ''hi. erica weston. national transportation safety board.'' the woman introduced herself. ''oh, hey erica. don.'' erica and don shook hands as they greeted each other. ''david sinclair.'' david said, standing up to greet her himself. ''david.'' she smiled. ''thanks for coming.'' don said, leading her into the office and offering her a chair to sit down on. ''not a problem.''

erica looked over at ciara, who was talking to charlie about the video. ''are they also in the fbi?'' she asked, pointing to them. ''ciara is, but charlie, my brother, he's a consultant.'' don explained. ''matthews!'' he called out to her. ciara quickly turned around, seeing don and erica. her eyes widened as she walked over to them. ''hi! sorry, i- i didn't hear anyone else come in.. i'm ciara matthews.'' she said, shaking erica's hand. ''erica weston.'' she smiled.


for some reason, since she had nothing better to do, ciara found herself being dragged along to golf with alan and charlie. ''c'mon, ciara! you're-- i, i see you as a part of the family by now, i mean, you're always hanging around the house and everything! you're best friends with don and charlie, we need to have some bonding time or somethin'.'' alan said, convincing ciara to go with them.

''you know, my dad was always out golfing, too. when he wasn't working a case, he'd be out in out backyard with his own little golf course he made.'' ciara said, reminiscing her father. ''what happened to your dad? if-- if it isn't too personal, of course.'' alan asked, looking at the girl.

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