ch ;; 4

406 11 2

this one is just gonna be like a charlie/ciara chapter since i need more interactions with those two to actually get this thing started. im sorry if its a bit out of character for charlie or don. this is also supposed to be a half fun chapter, so it does not follow the story at all and, well, it's basically a beach episode but for movie nights


''and done!'' ciara smiles, placing the final thing down on her table. the last week she had been placing all of her pictures, paintings, and other small decor around her house, and now tonight charlie, terry, and don were coming over to hang out for a bit.

glancing up at the clock, ciara decided that it was a good enough time to start cooking dinner for herself. she only made something small, knowing that the boys were more than likely going to bring stuff over to make some kind of obscure food for the group when they all met.

after an hour and a half, the door bell rung. looking out the window, she sees don's car in her driveway. smiling, she quickly ran to the door, opened it, and let everyone walk inside. ''oh, wow, ciara, the house is beautiful.'' terry smiled, her first time being in the house. ''thank you! i was spending all day putting out, like, the decorations and stuff.'' ciara smiled at the lady.

sitting down, she realized don had a shopping bag in one hand. ''what's, uh, what's in the bag, don?'' she asked suspiciously. don looked down at the bag, back to her, and over at charlie. ''i brought stuff for tonight. food stuff.'' ciara laughed. ''why am i not surprised?'' terry looked over at ciara. ''this isn't an unusual thing. after our first date, we went back to don's for a bit to just hang out, and he brings out this big tray of, what was it? nachos? with just, absolutely anything he had in the kitchen thrown on top of them.'' terry laughed, thinking back to the memory.

''oh! i didn't know you two were--'' ''we aren't. we broke up, i don't even know how long ago anymore.'' don cut her off. ''oh.'' the house fell into a slightly awkward silence before charlie cleared his throat. ''i brought uh, i have these, for you? i don't know, dad told me it'd be the respectful thing to do, housewarming thing, uh..''

charlie cautiously pulls a small bouquet of flowers out from one of the bags that he was carrying, walking over and passing them to ciara. the girl hesitated for a second before reaching her hand out to take them. ''charlie, thank you! you didn't have to get anything..!'' she smiled warmly. ''well, you know, just- just a housewarming present type of thing, i-i don't know.'' charlie rubbed his forehead, his face flushed a light pink.

after putting the flowers into water, she quickly returned to the main room where everyone was. ''this isn't really a party, uh.. does anyone else know anyone we could invite?'' ciara asked the 3 of them. ''sinclair?'' don spoke up first. her eyes widened, nodding. ''i don't know why i didn't think to invite him in the first place!''

''i can call larry, if that'd be okay?'' charlie offered. she quickly nodded to him, too.


after david and larry had arrived, everyone sat down in groups. don was with terry, david and larry were sat together, and ciara and charlie were. right now, they were all debating over what movie to watch.

''listen! i still think that barbie's princess and the pauper is a good choice!'' ciara argued. ''no!'' all the men shouted back at her. ''you know what i think? you're all scared you'll like it.'' she taunted, a glint of challenge in her eyes. don sighed, staring to his left where the girl sat on the back of an armchair. ''you know what, let's make it a bet. if, at any time, you see me enjoying this movie? 20 bucks.'' don said, putting his hand out to shake.

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