ch ;; thirteen

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''sorry to bring you in on your day off.'' sinclair apologized sincerely, looking at don. ''oh, that's all right. what's the head count here?'' he asked, looking at david and taking off his sunglasses. ''well, we got two in the bush. witness says there was an accident, bus rolled over. minute later there's a shot, two guys jump out, car-jack a pick-up, take off headed west.''

''dispatcher said something about a fatality?'' ciara asked, trailing a few feet behind the men. ''yeah, their escort marshal.'' david gestured to the tipped bus. ''oh, damn.. well, what do we know about these guys?''

''here's the file.'' david said, handing a folder with a number of papers in them to ciara. ''there's the marshal.'' don said, walking over to the bus. ''I take it "v" stands for velocity.'' charlie asked, reading off the folder in ciara's hands. ''post-impact velocity.'' the man that ciara was conversing with explained.

''oh... and "f", that's drag coefficient?'' charlie asked, raising an eyebrow at the man. ''yeah. you a reconstructor?'' she asked charlie, shifting her weight. ''excuse me?'' he asked, clueless. ''accident reconstructor,'' ciara started,'' and no, he isn't he teaches at calsci and consults for us at the fbi.'' ciara explained for charlie, looking at the man.

''wow, calsci. my ex went to calsci for engineering. she, uh, she actually is a reconstructor for an insurance company now. we met on a car crash on the 101.'' he explained, smiling at ciara. ''anyway, um, nice to meet you.'' he said, offering his hand to ciara. ciara shook his hand, charlie nodded, ''nice meeting you. excuse me,'' and with that, he gently grabbed ciara's arm, leading her back to don.

''well, call everybody in and notify fugitive recovery. we're gonna want them involved, as well.''  don explained. ''all right. later.'' david went to turn to leave before ciara called to him. ''yo! david!'' she quickly turned to don. ''you goin' in?'' she asked. don nodded. she sighed, nodding.

''david!'' charlie watched as she ran up to him, talking to him for a second, and then getting in the car. ''come on. i'll give you a ride.'' don nudged on his brothers arm.


''everybody, this is agent billy cooper, coming to us courtesy of fugitive recovery.'' don introduced as billy went around shaking everyone's hand, kissing the back of terry's and ciara's in the process. charlie furrowed his eyebrows at that, staring at billy and ciara's interaction. don quickly elbowed him in the side, causing him to slightly yelp. ciara and terry looked at each other, rolling their eyes and shaking their heads, laughing quietly.

''okay, so these guys usually go where they're familiar, where they're affiliated. they're both from l.a, so my guess is they stick around.'' billy explained ''wouldn't it be smarter to leave the area, get away from the search?'' david asked, tilting his head slightly, squinting at billy.

 ''yeah, sure it would, but they're not smart, which is why they went to prison to begin with.'' billy joked lightly. don quickly cut in, ''which doesn't mean they're not dangerous.'' he reminded. ''so look at the files -- i mean, family, friends, gang pals... that's the key to finding them.'' don said, grabbing his coat and quickly throwing it on. ''let's go -- let's run these guys down, all right? good to see you, buddy.'' don hugged billy, smiling at him.

''yeah, you look good.'' billy complimented. ''i take it you two know each other?'' ciara spoke up, sitting cross legged next to charlie.''yeah, well, you know I used to work in fugitive recovery. well, we were a team.'' don explained to her. ''no better way to get to know a man than to spend a week using a gas station rest room as home base. ah, the good old days.'' billy smiled, reminiscing.  ''david sinclair. pleasure.'' david shook billy's hand once more, properly introduced to each other now.

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